We All Got Problems

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     "So who's side are you on?" Lloyd asked after explaining his story to the ninja. He had gotten fired from his job only because he was framed for stealing from the cash register. Him and his boss got into a fight over it to which he was fired. "You know, whoever framed you for stealing is an as-" Kai was cut off by Rosco nudging him since the children were still in the room.

   "An what?" Shauna asked, the baby tilting her head cutely. Nya ruffled the girl's hair as she stuffed some of the spaghetti in her mouth since that's what they were having for dinner, the girl giggling. (Y/N) giggled before patting her father's arm, "Well, i'm on your side," she said.

    "Thanks, (Y/N)," he said, "At least you love me," he laughed playfully glaring at the ninja for not answering his whole 'who's side are you on' thing. Cole set his hands up in defense, "Sorry, bud, we're neutral territory!" he laughed. Lloyd rolled his eyes as he stuffed some more food in his mouth. "Yeah, whatever, you guys just go be Switzerland," he said, "Me and (Y/N) will fight like America," he said now comparing them to countries. June rolled her eyes as they all continued to eat their spaghetti dinner and talk about how they were countries.

    The fire ninja walked into the monastery after his latest smoke break, stuffing his cigarettes in his pocket. He froze seeing all the ninja and others in the living room. "Kai, we're here because we love you," Lloyd said sitting on a foldable chair as ge stared at the male.

    "What is this an episode of Intervention?" the fire ninja mumbled. Maui then walked up and took the males cigarettes, setting them on a high shelf to which the male couldn't reach. "You gotta stop smoking," Zane informed. Kai sighed as he looked at the unlit cigarette in his mouth, (Y/N) holding his hand. He smiled looking into the girls innocent and sweet (E/C) eyes. "Okay," he said.

    Kat lifted the trashcan lid as they all gathered around it, Kai holding all his packs of cigarettes. "C'mon, dad," (Y/N) said holding his arm. They allowed him to only smoke one pack a month, which was honestly a good deal. Stella set her hands on her son's shoulders, "You can do it, son," she said. Kai breathed deep before throwing the cigarettes in the trash.

     Gear and Jay were in their latest argument, the others watching. "Oh boy," Cole mumbled watching the two fight. The new fight had happened because the seven year old kept sneaking out of his room and stealing Lloyd's candy, which he was obviously forbidden to do. "That's it!" Jay screaming grabbed everyone's attention, "Go to your room, you're grounded!"

    "Me and your mother will discuss your punishment when she gets home," he snapped coldly at the boy.

    "Geez, I forgot how scary Jay can get," Kai chuckled looking at the male. Especially since his powers would go off and lightning would usually spike up from his body, to which he looked close to doing with this fight. (Y/N) walked to the lightning ninja and took his hand in hers. "You okay, dad?" she asked. He sighed before hiding his freckled face in his hands. "I don't know what i'm doing wrong, he hates me," he groaned.

    "You did nothing wrong, Jay, he's just hard headed," Kai reassured him.

    "Uh-hu, you're a great dad!" (Y/N) cheered hugging the male to which he smiled and ruffled her hair.

    "Thanks, kiddo,"

     The earth ninja was punching a punching bag, obviously angry. Him and his wife, Kat, had gotten into an argument last night. No one knew what the argument was anout and no one honestly wanted to know as they watched the male angrily train. "I'd comfort him but i'm scared he'd hit me," Jay mumbled glancing over at the others. They all nodded as Cole was heard groaning, turning back they saw that he punched a hole through the punching bag. "Now we sure as heck won't comfort him," Zane muttered looking at him.

    "I'm going in..." (Y/N) said walking to Cole. The others nodded as they watched the girl walk to him. "May the force be with you," Lloyd said after her.

    "Papa," she spoke to grab his attention, to which she failed. She sighed and crossed her arms. "Papa!" she exclaimed louder for him to hear. Cole looked at her as he bandaged his bruised knuckles. She walked over and hugged the earth ninja's legs, standing on her tip toes to pat his lower back. "It will be okay, Papa," she said smiling.

    Cole smiled back hugging her, "Thanks, (Y/N)," he said.

     "And this woman kept accusing me," he said, "She said I gave her child a F because I hated her kid,"

     "Lady's crazy, Zane, you are a wonderful substitute science teacher," Rosco said giving him his plate of pancakes. He was currently substituting for a science teacher because she had a baby. What he didn't know though was that a kid in her class, was a spoiled brat. And her mom always took her side so he went though heck today getting yelled at by both the mother and kid as the rest of the class backed up his stories. "Geez, is it legal to punch a child?" Cole mumbled hearing the stories Zane had told him.

    (Y/N) giggled hearing this, reaching to hold her father's hand, "If I were in your class i'd back up your story," she spoke. Zane smiled before pecking her forehead before beginning to eat, "Thanks, (Y/N)," he said to her. The ninja all smiled before continuing to eat.

   Zane got up and started to head out the door to his work, "Wish me luck," he chuckled walking out the door. The ninja laughed as they waved by to the ice ninja.

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