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While Jesse was engaged in her intensive training with the World Leaders, the rest of the Order found other ways to preoccupy their time. Petra decided that she couldn't stand to be bored any longer and set up her own little sparring corner with an armour stand. Olivia spent her time trying to teach Axel about red stone, while Axel stood idly by in confusion. Ivor wanted to do research on Herobrine, hoping to stumble across some information that could help them. Lukas was jotting away in a brand new journal, writing more of their adventures.
"If I put a red stone comparator here, it should turn on the torch, which activates the repeater, turning on the dispenser," Olivia explained, doodling it on a sheet of paper. "Make sense?"
"All I got was blah blah blah, then something about red stone," Axel confirmed. Olivia sighed impatiently, and erased the drawing.
"Okay, let's try something easier."
"Actually Olivia, I was hoping you could not explain the basics of red stone," Petra proposed. "It's starting to make my brain hurt."
"Oh," Olivia said, sounding a bit disappointed.
"I'm kind of sorry I asked," Axel admitted.
"Ugh!" Petra groaned, sheathing her shimmering golden sword. "This is so boring! How come Jesse gets to do all the intense training while we're stuck here smelling Ivor's feet all day?"
"I take offence to that," Ivor muttered from behind his book.
Lukas closed his journal. "Yeah. I kind of get what she's going through. Being a leader is hard work."
"And being a sidekick is boring," Petra deadpanned. "Face it. That's all we are to the world, isn't it?"
"That may be true, but Jesse doesn't think of us as just her sidekicks," Lukas defended.
"I know," Petra said, heaving a sigh. "I just wish others would treat us the same way she does."
"Hey guys!" Jesse's cheery voice broke into the middle of their conversation. The others immediately perked up in her presence.
"Hey, Jesse," Lukas greeted casually with a nod. "How's the training going?"
Jesse shrugged. "About as well as you'd expect I guess." Petra frowned. Jesse was acting a little strange. Her posture was off; it was more stony, and her face held a monotone expression. Petra exchanged a glance with Ivor, and saw he knew something was suspicious as well.
"Uh, Jesse? You alright?" Petra asked warily.
"Fine! Just fine!" Jesse answered immediately. She flung her arm upwards and pointed to Lukas, Axel and Olivia. The movement was more... robotic, like someone was using her like a puppet. "You three! Olivia, Lukas and.... Axel! Right! I wanna show you guys something super cool!"
"Um... sure," Olivia muttered, approaching Jesse cautiously. Axel and Lukas did so as well
"How come we can't see it?" Ivor asked, folding his arms skeptically. Petra kept her hand hovering over her golden sword.
Then, Jesse grinned. The grin was so alien that it sent shivers up Petra's spine. "It's a secret." She whispered, and she grabbed onto Olivia's hand and dragged her close, drawing an iron sword. Petra unsheathed her gold one, and Ivor his own iron sword.
"Jesse! What are you doing?" Olivia cried out, and the blade was pressed close to her throat. Jesse laughed.
"You two!" She snapped to Lukas and Axel. "Surrender now or the girl gets it!"
Axel raised his hands immediately, as did Lukas. Jesse snapped her fingers and a portal appeared from nowhere. Petra darted forward, but an invisible barrier pushed her back. She and Ivor were stuck, unable to do anything to help them. Jesse tugged Olivia's hands behind her back and kicked her into the portal. Olivia screamed as she was whisked away. Lukas went to charge at Jesse, but he was stopped immediately and was pushed into Axel, and they both fell into the portal as well. The portal vanished, leaving Ivor and Petra dumbstruck. Jesse had disappeared as well.
"What just happened?" Petra exclaimed.
"My guess is that wasn't the real Jesse," Ivor said. "However, we shouldn't let our guard down."
"We need to find out what's going on here and fast." Petra suggested, and Ivor nodded. The two sprinted up the stairs.

Jesse darted back and forth with ease, springing her body to avoid the mobs that came in her path. Thanks to Isa's help, Jesse was able to take down any obstacle with ease, even without a weapon. She was as swift as a feather, twisting and turning, her feet barely skimming the ground. A lava curtain suddenly began to flow down on her, and she slid underneath it effortlessly.
      Jesse skidded to a stop, surveying the mob of zombies ahead of her. She sprung off of a stone pillar and began to leap upon the zombie's heads. The zombies groaned in annoyance. Jesse landed, rolling and springing to her feet. "I think I'm getting the hang of this!"
       Then she felt a whiz of air by her ear, and she yelped. Rows and rows of dispensers were lined along the right wall, firing arrows nonstop. Along the ground was a river of lava. Jesse halted, surveying the area. How am I supposed to get by this?
       "Try and get past that," Amelia sneered silently, but once again Jesse proved her wrong. The arrows from the dispenser stuck on the opposite wall, where no dispensers were situated. She grabbed hold of one of the arrows, and was surprised when it held her weight. She gleamed, and swung from arrow to arrow, flipping and turning to avoid other arrows. Finally, she made it across.
       Amelia glared at Jesse with raw hatred as she made it to the finish line. "What?! Impossible!" She stomped over to Jesse, her eyes seething with rage. "There's NO WAY you could've done that. You used your so called powers didn't you?!"
"What?! You saw me! I did it fair and square, but you," Jesse jabbed her index finger at Amelia's chest. "have been completely unfair to me ever since I got here!"
"Well duh!" Amelia growled. "Where have you been?!"
      Jesse sighed impatiently, fed up with Amelia. She knew arguing more would only make it worse, so she turned around to return to her friends.
      As she walked, she felt a sudden chill. She hugged her arms, glancing around. Her footsteps' echo bounced off the stone walls as she crept through the grand room. She noticed many eyes on her. They were cold, and alien. She avoided the ones close to her, casually sidestepping them.
      "Jesse...." Hissed a voice, and Jesse was startled out of her wits. She spun around, looking for the source, but the people just gave her a strange look. Jesse spotted Harper in the crowd and tapped her shoulder.
      "Harper? Did you notice something weird about any of these people?"
      "I didn't notice," Harper turned, and Jesse saw the same vacant stare in her eyes. They were almost lifeless. Jesse bit her tongue to keep from shrieking. She needed to find her friends.
      She tiptoed down to the chilly basement, wincing as the stairs creaked. It was completely abandoned, like the perfect haunting location. Jesse shivered at the thought. "Axel?" She hissed, creeping around. "Olivia? Anybody-"
      Jesse yelped when something yanked her as she rounded a corner. She was pulled into shadows and tossed to the ground. A strong foot on her chest pinned her there. She was highly aware of the gold tip of a sword hovering above her chin. Jesse's eyes widened when she recognized her captive.
      "What have you done with them?" Petra exclaimed.
      "What's going on here?" Jesse squeaked. Jesse was glad Petra was on her side because she was really terrifying when she needed to be. Ivor stood by the red head's side, arms crossed and eyebrows bent angrily.
      "You tell us," Petra sneered, pressing the golden sword closer. "Where did you take them?! What have you done with the real Jesse?!"
      "The real Jesse?!" Jesse gaped. "But I'm the real Jesse!"
      "Prove it," Petra demanded. Jesse took a breath of relief. At least Petra was willing to let her defend herself.
       "How can I prove myself?" Jesse asked.
      "Tell us something about us that only the real Jesse knows."
      This should be easy. "Okay. Petra, you told me that when you were four you used to cower in the corner with a book to keep the monsters away, and you slept with a teddy bear," Petra jumped back in shock a bit, but the pressure on Jesse's chest never wavered. "And Ivor, you have a crush on Harper. Convinced?"
      Ivor rolled his eyes. "Let her up! It's her." He said, annoyed that his secret was out. Petra lifted her foot and helped Jesse off the ground.
      "You have a crush on Harper?" Petra marvelled with a smirk.
      "Is now really the time for that?" Ivor groaned. It was obvious this wasn't going away anytime soon. "At least I'm not the one who slept with a Teddy Bear."
      Petra punched Ivor playfully.
     Jesse rubbed her shoulder, since it was sore from the impact of being pushed to the floor. "What was that about?"
      "Something weird is going on here," Petra explained urgently. "Earlier, another Jesse came down, kidnapped Lukas, Axel and Olivia, and then disappeared."
      "What?" Jesse furrowed her eyebrows. "Another me? How is that possible?"
      "That's the thing," Ivor said. "I might have an explanation. That book I was reading earlier; it contained information about Herobrine. Apparently one of his abilities is that he can shape-shift into anyone he's possessed."
      "And you're one of them," Petra finished, Jesse returning a nod.
      "We need to get the others back. Fast." Jesse said.
      "Agreed." Petra affirmed.
      "Just one problem," Jesse squeaked. She pointed up the stairs. "The people up there are possessed too. How are we going to get out?"
      Petra and Jesse both looked at Ivor. "What?" Ivor shrugged.
      "Usually you have some kind of potion or something," Jesse reminded him.
      "All I've got left right now is a potion of strength," Ivor said.
      Jesse exhaled nervously. "Alright. I guess we look vacant and hope for the best."
      "I hate this plan." Petra said, following after Jesse up the stairs.

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