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Apparently admitting you are the world most wanted assassins apprentice doesn't really let you gain a lot of popularity points in a team of superheros.

I had learnt that the hard way due to the many glares and nasty comments over the past week coming from my so called 'team'.

what am i doing now you may ask. I am currently sat upside down on a couch bored out of my mind because I'm not aloud to go on any real missions yet.

"AHHHHH!" i groaned out loud hoping someone one would hear me so i could at least start a conversation.

But it just didn't happen.

After a while of doing nothing i decided i might as well go and explore the cave some more.

As i walked down the halls i came across what I'm guessing is a gym for the teen heroes.

My mouth hung open slightly as i walked into the huge open area.

All around me were weights and treadmills.

I hadn't done any training since i got here and i don't want to get out of shape.

After doing a series of stretches i lined my self up on a gymnastic mat.

I breathed in. 




And i was off.

I started with a handstand that quickly turned to a cartwheel which lead to me completing  a lot of flips and cartwheels.

After hold a handstand for around five minutes i finally decide to take a break.

I sat on a bench and breathed in and out slowly.

I nearly had a heart attack when Batman's voice came out of the tiny speaker in the corner of the room.

"Renegade. Come to the living room immediately." he deadpanned.

I sighed dramatically.

At least it will keep me entertained for a while.

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