Consequences To Actions.

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Brian got off Frankie and held her in his arms; he brushed her fringe that was covering her face to the side. Tears ran down his cheeks.

It was about 1:30 in the morning, Brian couldn’t see too well, but he knew he needed to get Frankie out of that place before she passed on to the next life.

“Frankie” Brian whispered trying to wake her up. “Can you hear me?” He shook her a little bit, when he realised she wasn’t going to move he picked her up and ran with her in his arms. He went back to where he parked his car, near the police station.

Trying not to let any police officers see who he was carrying, he slid Frankie onto the back seats so she was lying down. He then took his jacket off and wrapped it around her open head wounds.

Soon he got back to his estate in Huntington Beach; it was a complete mess from the party. Jimmy and Johnny were unintentionally holding each other as they both slept on the couch, Matt and Kate were in the other spare room, either sleeping or ‘having fun’.

Brian ignored the fact that the house was a mess and proceeded to rush up the stairs with Frankie in his arms. He placed her down on his bed. He received 2 rather large towels from his bathroom and put them under her head.

“It’s going to be okay. It’s going to be okay.” Brian whispered to himself, trying to boost his confidence. “In the morning she’ll wake up and everything will be fine.”

He lifted himself from towering over Frankie; he turned around and placed his hands over his mouth. He scanned the room and looked towards the closet.

He made his way over to the closet and pulled out a large sized V-neck shirt. He wandered over to Frankie. He pulled her dress off her and carefully lifted her up to put the white t-shirt on her.

After he’d put the shirt on her, he smiled to himself about what a good job he did. Brushing his tongue over his front teeth a feeling of urgency washed over him. “I need to brush my teeth.” He casually said to no one.

Afterward he stripped down to just his boxers, Brian slipped into his bed and feel almost instantly asleep.

The next morning, Brian rolled over to face Frankie.

“Morning love” He lovingly said. He forgot what he did the previous night until he saw her.

She had blood all over her face, and she hadn’t moved a muscle since last night.

Rusted From The Rain ~Avenged Sevenfold~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن