Afternoons at the Lake

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"Luna! Wait up!"

Neville Longbottom clambered into a canoe, almost tipping it over, before pushing off from the dock and into the center of the lake. For agreeing to a race, he wasn't very prepared. Luna was already waiting for him.

"Neville! You're taking too long," she proclaimed, splashing cold water at him with her paddle.

"Right... Sorry..." He looked down as if to look ashamed and then met her eyes with a grin. "So, are we racing or not!"

"Three..." He started the countdown.

"Two..." She met his grin, sporting her own.

"One!" They shouted together, eyes on the shore.

Luna, stronger than her body betrayed, took a clear lead and by the time she made it to shore, she was 100 metres ahead of Neville, who had lost his paddle somewhere in the middle. She notices this and grabs a spare before bringing it out to him. He smiles his apology and paddles back to the shore with her.

"So... Luna..." He looked nervous for some reason. She figured it was probably Wrackspurts and met his eyes curiously.


"Do—Do you..." His voice wavers and he looks down at his hands before bringing them back up to her face, "Want to do this again sometime?"

She beamed back at him. "Of course! I love the lake, and canoeing, and racing!"

That wasn't exactly the response he expected, but he took it nonetheless with a smile. "Good. I had fun!"

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