Chapter 9.

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She hasn't been down from her room since yesterday. She's barricaded herself in so I can't enter. I'm so confused, I didn't mean to push her yesterday evening I just thought she wanted to experiment because she kept asking me. I try her handle for the seventh time this evening feeling it push all the way down surprising me. I push the door slowly forwards watching as it actually parts from the doorframe. I step gingerly into Kajol's room looking around for her but not finding her on her bed or on the sofa. I can hear the shower running so close the door quietly behind me creeping towards the ensuite. I don't want to scare her I just want to establish myself in her room before she flies off the handle. I step into the ensuite and look towards the shower cubicle. Kajol is clothed, scrubbing her skin until it's pink with a scouring brush from the kitchen. I stride towards her noticing she's heaving with the effort of crying. I don't know what's wrong with her but I'm damn determined to find out!
"Kajol?" I wrap my arms around her waist as she slowly slumps to the floor amid tears and sniffles. She drops the scourer on the floor and wraps her arms over mine continuing the heaving as her tears mix with the shower water.
"I hurt all over," she sobs leaning her head against my chest. Seeing her look so broken breaks me. I pull my arms across her waist before lodging my hands under her arms pulling her up. I use one of my arms to then support under her knees and my other supports her back carrying her out of the shower and into the main room. I walk to the sofa and place her in one corner looking at the raw skin on her arms. So this is what she must have been doing for all that time... Rubbing her skin off. I sit next to her wiping her cheeks with my thumb trying to stem the flow of tears.
"Kya hua?" I whisper urgently needing to know how to fix her. Kajol's bottom lip wobbles unsteadily as she tries to form the words.
"He touched me," she mumbles turning her head away as another flood of tears washes her cheeks. I lean back on the sofa trying to work out who she means. There are only two guys in the house until my father arrives tonight. It's me or...
"Vijay?" Just his name makes me feel disgusted. Vijay has always been jealous of me, that's why he beat me when we were young trying so hard to knock the confidence out of me but it had the opposite effect. I've been determined to show everyone who I am and he hates the fact I'm more successful than him. He's do anything to hurt me but touching Kajol.
"Haan," she wails and I wrap my arms around her pulling her head onto my chest stroking through her wet hair. I so wanted to protect her. I had no idea my brother would do something so disgusting just to get back at me. I hate him.
"He hurt you?" I ask feeling Kajol sob against my chest. She nods and I want to kill him. I put up with the punches, the snide remarks, the sucking up to the parents, the constant put downs but I won't put up with him touching something I feel so strongly about. Kajol means everything to me. I carefully lift her head off my chest cupping her cheeks with my hands.
"Stay here." I instruct sliding off the sofa and marching towards the door. I hope she heeds what I've told her because things are about to get ugly. I race down the stairs into the lounge area spotting Vijay flicking through the channels on the TV. Ma went to pick up my father an hour ago so they should be here soon but that gives me enough of a chance to give Vijay a piece of my mind.
"You fucking bastard!" I yell startling Vijay who stands up from his armchair to face me. I ball my fist and swing it at his face feeling my knuckles collide with his cheek bone and a satisfactory crunch echoes through the room. He touches his cheek where a small cut has appeared.
"What the fuck?" Vijay tries to act all innocent shrugging his shoulders at me. I feel the rage boiling inside of me as I take another swing this time connecting with his jaw.
"Don't you ever fucking touch my girl again," I spit in his face as a smirk spreads over his lips.
"Didn't take her long to run to her owner then?" Vijay laughs pushing me backwards and I stumble a little taken by surprise. I stare him down wanting nothing more than to place my hands around his neck pushing my thumbs into his windpipe crushing it.
"You just can't handle the fact I've got something you haven't," I hiss knowing full well he's jealous of the fact I've got a pretty girl on my arm and he hasn't. The smirk slips from Vijay's face as his fists ball. He can't deal with being inferred as as jealous but I don't care, he had no right to touch Kajol. I see his hand move so step back avoiding his punch. I wrap my arm around the back of his neck pushing him down into a headlock before using my free hand to pick his stomach. Before too long we are both on the floor tearing chunks out of each other covering the white rug with bloody saliva dripping from our mouths. I can feel Vijay overpowering me like he always used too but the thought of him hurting my girl makes me feel sick and I push him off me. I stand up as Vijay rolls onto his back on the floor. I feel dominant now as I bring my foot back ready to strike his side like I'm going to score a penalty.
"Shah Rukh!" I turn seeing Kajol tear stained face. She looks weak, scared and frightened. I look down at my brother who's narrowing his eyes at me daring me to kick him in the stomach.
"You're not worth it," I sigh turning away from him just the sight of him making me feel physically sick. I walk over to Kajol and wrap my arm around her waist kissing the top of my head. My cheeks sting and my lip has a cut on it, blood trickling down my chin. I'm about to walk away with Kajol when I hear my brother sit up and cough.
"She screamed my name louder than yours, guess it shows which brother is better in bed," Vijay laughs. That's the last straw for me. I turn and march over to my brother pulling my balled fist high above my head. I'm about to smash it down into his skull hoping to spill his brains when I hear my mum screaming Vijay's name. I look up to see my parents in the hallway behind Kajol who looks pale. My parents have always liked Vijay more than me. I bet this looks like I'm beating him up when a minute ago we were both rolling on the floor throwing our all into beating the crap out of one another.
"He touched my girlfriend," I blurt out needing them to know that it's Vijay who's caused all this by being a complete and utter prick.
"She's lying," Vijay whines pulling puppy-dog eyes. If you look closely though he's forgotten to cover the glint that tells you immediately he is guilty but my parents will miss that look and blame everything on me. My mum looks from Kajol to me and back again before walking over to Vijay pulling him off the floor pulling him into a hug. I furrow my eyes brows letting my fist drop to my side. Is she really taking Vijay's side over mine?
"Ma he sexually assaulted my girlfriend," I try to keep my voice calm and even but being faced by your smirking brother hugging your mother is not exactly great.
"How can we trust a girl of her standard?" My father booms from the front door and I feel my anger being replaced by loathing for the way my family treats me. This is why I feel the need to take out my frustrations sexually on females who are willing to submit to me. All my life I've been shut down and pushed around but when I have someone tied in front of me willing to let me do whatever I want to them... I walk over to Kajol and wrap my arms around her waist.
"Fuck you all," I say leading Kajol back up the stairs feeling her shaking in my arms. I take her straight to my room and sit her on my bed where she stays huddled in on herself. I hurriedly pack a bag and grab something warm for Kajol to wear seen as she's still in her soaking clothes. I help her back up again and tell her to go change. She follows my instruction although slow which makes me able to reply the events that have just happened. I don't know what my father meant I mean unless he's contacted an escort service he wouldn't know who Kajol really was. I bet he thinks she just with me for the money but the truth is I know she likes me from the way she holds me. When Kajol emerges from the ensuite in a pair of my jogging bottoms and a sweatshirt I pull her towards me again nuzzling my head into her neck.
"This doesn't change anything," I mumble against her skin, "Vijay doesn't change anything between us." Kajol nods her head against my chest and I smile sadly. I know Kajol didn't scream his name when he touched her. His eyes told me as much. He was thoroughly disappointed he couldn't get a response but Vijay is rough and haphazardess. It wouldn't make a difference if Kajol had orgasmed with him though, she's inexperienced and can't hold her own at the moment. I think I'm in love with Kajol and that's why it doesn't change anything between us. We exit the house quickly avoiding the questions thrown at us by my parents. I throw my bag in the boot helping Kajol into the passenger side closing the door for her. Kajol didn't bring any clothing so she's not going to miss anything from the house. I hastily climb into my car and put it in gear reversing away from the house before doing a U-turn and speeding away watching it get smaller and smaller in the mirror. I lace my fingers with Kajol's. This changes nothing.

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