Chapter 4

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Perspective- Meredith

The cold air brushed my skin as I walked out of the hospital doors. Without being able to hold it in anymore, I burst out into tears. The whole process of surgery after surgery had been breaking me down, and I couldn't stand it any longer.

I looked down at my stomach; unnoticeable by anyone other than me. I was unsure if Derek could notice, since he had been with me for Bailey.

Only a few more months.

*Arrives at hospital*

The hospital is filled with every possible person that could have been there. Bailey, Owen, Amelia, Richard, Maggie and Karev start surrounding me as I enter through the building doors.

"Where on earth have you been? I texted you 20 times and you didn't respond? I thought your mother would've raised you better than to just throw an afternoon of surgeries on someone else." Although Miranda sounded upset, it didn't stop me from snapping at her.

"Shut the hell up Bailey." Everyone gasped as I ususally don't get mad at others and yell at them.

"Well.." she started, as if I had stolen her words.

"I'm sorry," I started. "But don't ever talk about my mom." A small tear rolled down from my face, splashing on the ground as I stood in silence. I assumed it was the hormones.

"Alright then. Now move along Grey. You're just in time for a liver transplant. Go scrub in, don't be late." Without a word, I briskly walked over to the elevtor that would bring me up to the second to top floor.

Where all the O.Rs were. The elevator was cold, almost inhumane. You would have thought that with all of the money that they would have heated the spaces that the patients were in.

It took around 45 seconds for the elevator to make it's way up to the correct floor from the ground. Only around 15 seconds after I had touched the cold, white button on the wall of the elevator did it happen. My whole stomach; numb even to the touch. Faintly I heard a gurgling sound before I went down.


To be continued...

Thanks for reading! Sorry this part was so short but I wanted to make the ending dramatic! (Also sorry for the cliffhanger!) I will post the next part once this one gets a few reads. Love yall! 

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