Chapter 16

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In case you are not familiar with this piece of information, it is important to know for this chapter that Richard Webber had a secret affair with Ellis Grey.

Perspective: Derek

Out of the blue, with absolutely no communication before, Meredith calls me, and tells me her mother is dead.

"Mer, are you," I couldn't even begin. "Are you alright?" I asked, nervously.

"I'm fine Derek, really. You know that my mother and I didn't have a good relationship, and thats all there is to it. After you tell everyone at work, can you pick up Zola from daycare? I need to finalize the plans," she asked, as if nothing in the world was wrong. If my mom had died, I would probably be crying right now, so I could not understand how Meredith was holding up.

"Sure, I'll be home around 6:30 then," I explained normally. If she was ok with it, there was no reason why I shouldn't be. Yet still it somehow bothered me that not a single tear could be heard.

*At Meredith her and Derek's house*

I still couldn't understand how Meredith was alright. The Ellis Grey; the best surgeon the world has ever seen, the woman who birthed Meredith was dead, and it seemed like she didn't care at all.

"So for the funeral I'm asking for flowers instead of donations," she explained to me. "and I got a casket that looks like a hospital gurney too." She laughed, so I decided to join in with her. In a few moments, her laughter turned into a quiet sob, and finally, I noticed.

"Mer," I started. She looked up at me, with tears in her eyes. I knew that it was impossible to not be upset about your own mother dying.

"I hate her so much, I don't even know why I'm upset," she told me in between sobs.

"Because she's your mom, and no matter how bad of a mother she was, she will still always be your mother," I explained to her, trying to calm her down. She leaned her head on my shoulder, letting her tears roll onto my grey shirt.

*Skip to Saturday, at the funeral*

Perspective: Meredith

I took a deep breath as I stepped into the large funeral home. I noticed the walls were now filled with flowers that varied from white roses to pink lilies. At the far end of the room laid my mother, covered in so much makeup she looked fake.

"Are you ok?" Derek asked me, kindly.

"I think so," I told him, unsure how long my calmness would last. Soon, the first person arrived. His black shoes tapped against the marble floor as he approached the casket. Richard Webber, the one person I did not want to see right now.

I expected him to come, he did have an affair with my mother. After all, Ellis left my dad for him.

"Meredith, I'm so sorry about your mother," he explained to me. Of course he was, he loved her.

"Thank you, I know this must be hard on you too," I said, angrily. Now that my mother was dead, it suddenly became so clear to me that what he did to my mom was terrible, and he didn't deserve me; I was basically a duplicate of my mother.

"Meredith," Derek told me sternly, trying to calm me down.

"No, no, Derek, I deserve that. But, I do deserve to stay, just like any other person at this funeral," Richard explained to my husband. Derek looked at me, and I gave him a quick nod.

Person after person came by to look at my dead mother and to express their sympathy for me.

"She was a freaking legend," Cristina told me when it was her turn in line to greet me. I chuckled, since this was the best part of my day so far.

"Yeah, I know. Believe me, I know you are going to say that you wish that she was your mother, but you most definitely do not," I explained to Cristina.

"I know, but still!" she complained. Cristina and I basically were sisters. Maybe not biologically, but mentally.

Hours past, and our time slot was up. A few men came by to take her casket into a van that would lead us to the graveyard. I told Cristina, Alex, Callie, Arizona, and Bailey they would be welcome to go to the graveyard with us; of course, they all said yes. I thought about asking Richard, but I decided not to, since he did something that was unbearable for me to think about.

I climbed into my large minivan and got into the front of the procession line. Derek was at the back, making sure no one got lost or trailed behind. Once everyone was ready, The van carrying my mother's body moved forwards towards the highway. Not many people used this road, since it wasn't near anything significant. As the van driver continued to come closer and closer into the highway, my whole vision began playing in slow motion.

The semi-wheeler, heaping with glass panes grew closer and closer, as the van pulled out and out. The truck was too fast, the van too slow, the perfect crash. Semi-wheelers; the official vehicle of destruction had destroyed my Derek and was about to destroy my mother.

To be continued... 

Guys... so 2 things.

I AM SO SORRY I HAVEN'T POSTED IN FOREVER!!! I was out of town and didn't have a computer.

GUYS I literally opened Wattpad and expected to see 650 views... 750 VIEWS THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YALL

I guess this is three things but whatever. Sorry for the kind of dramatic ending, and for those of you who don't know what just happened, a semi-wheeler just rammed into the van that was carrying dead-Ellis.

I know right.

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