Plan A- Sweet Talk

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New story yay!

Warning: May contain sexual references/smut, coarse language and occupational inaccuracies.


Plan A- Sweet Talk

"He doesn't know who I am, and he doesn't give a damn about me" -Teenage Dirtbag, Wheatus.

Harry was drumming his blue, ball-point pen against his shared wooden desk as he stared out the window, not taking in his educational surroundings at all. He could tell Corey- his desk partner- was more than a little peeved at Harry's tapping. However Harry's mind was drifting as he tried to conjure his next grand plan to win over the heart of a certain blue-eyed, blonde-haired, Niall Horan. So at the moment Harry didn't really care for Corey's well-being.

He was tired of Niall passing him in the hallways without a single glance. He was annoyed that they never talked unless the off chance of being paired in an assessment project. Although -even if he would never admit it- it was his own fault Niall and himself didn't talk since he would avoid all contact with the blonde till his death- in fear of embarrassing himself infront of his 'soul mate'.

However once he discovered Louis' undying allegiance to the cause, he was more than willing to do whatever it took to win over Niall's heart. And so began operation '26-letters'. The 'operation' was simple really and once Louis and Harry had devised it they believed it was fool-proof.

There are twenty-six letters in the alphabet so the pair concluded it was only appropriate for them together to come up with twenty-six plans for each. They would go through each letter, each plan, and- in their pubescent minds- one of them was bound to work.

So it was here Harry found himself, in his Music Tech class, revising the plan Louis and himself masterfully constructed on the phone late that night before. He revised attentively every detail deeming it worthy of his high-standards.

The obnoxious tintinabulation of the school bell could be heard through the large classroom. Mr. Payne excused the rowdy bunch that was his class, receiving numerous flirtatious gestures from Harry's fellow college attendees at which the elder man internally chuckled towards.

As the students began to pile out of the class Harry swiftly made his way out the door and down the hall to Louis' last class of the day.

Today was the day the pair were going to put operation '26-letters' into action and Harry was completely euphoric as the chance of being with Niall is finally in sight.

He grinned at his best friend as he neared the classroom. Louis had just stepped out of the entrance and was now bee-lining towards Harry, a jaw-breaking, toothy grin plastered on his features that to most people may have been a little unnerving but neither boy could care less at the moment. There was only one thing on their minds as they simultaneously sped towards each other; plan A.

After they had finally concluded their slightly creepy and somewhat suspenceful perambulate, they stood in front of each other grinning to the other without saying a word. The odd display undoubtedly attracting questioning stares but Harry and Louis didn't mind they were too wrapped up in the telepathic conversation they were seemingly immersed in. That was until Louis finally spoke. 

"Should this be weird?" he asked still grinning like he belonged in a psychiatric ward.

"Probably." Harry replied along with a shrug to his shoulders as he continued to grin right back at Louis.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2014 ⏰

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