Chappy-6 Unofficial Husbands?

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"What the fuck?" She gasped loudly as she staggered back a little in horror.

Her eyes were just stuck on the scene in front of her. And in the next second, she saw that all the wolves had stopped moving all together.

Their intimidating gaze landed on her. Scary and intruding. Digging holes through her soul.

Her heart started thudding hard in fear.

And then like a fantasy movie, their bodies started turning and snapping. Loud sound of bones cracking and breaking could be heard like a loud echo. Their shapes started changing and then suddenly they had turned into human.

A boy with the looks of complete hottie and eight pack abs came close to her. He smiled while asking and flicking his gaze between Rush and Liam,

"And who's this beautiful woman roaming in the land of wolves, boys?"

His hand extended to touch Eva's arm with a soothing friendly look on his face but before he could touch her, Rush grabbed his hand.

"Do not touch her." Rush said while coming in front of her while Liam grabbed her by the waist and pulled her aside.

Rush was calm as water but the warning in his tone was strict like a stone wall.

The hot guy smiled, bowed his head a little in apology for some reason, and went away with his crew to continue the fight.

What had just happened?


"I just can not fucking believe this!" She said while gulping down the whole glass of water and continuing her nervous, confused pacing.

"And I swear, I do not even know what to do with the mate thing you are talking about. It is all so much confusing. It is like I have suddenly fallen into a fantasy world. Shit! What the hell is going on?"

Her rant came to an end by the collision of her body with Liam.

"Stop thinking about it too much." Liam said while grabbing her by her waist soothingly, "And sleep for a while. You just need some relaxation."

Her Steps jammed there only while he tried to persuade her towards the bed,

"waiiiiiiiiiit a second," she replied while she removed his arms from around her waist,

"Did you forget that I got ready in this outfit so that I could go back to my home?" She asked in a sarcastically questioning tone.

Liam's eyes flicked to Rush who was standing a few feet away from them.

"No.." Rush replied while he and Liam started taking steps towards her. "This is your home from now on, so there is no need to go anywhere."

"Are you fucking shitting me?" Her brows reached up to her hairs in shock while her hands came in front of her to prevent Rush from coming anymore closer to her.

But her attempt was futile because Rush continued his steps like her hands were not even stretched between them while Liam grabbed her by her waist and put his chin in her neck lovingly like it was an everyday thing for them.

"Back offffff..." She stated while she tried to shrug both of them away from her.

"And listen here, I am not living with you when I can not even comprehend what is going on. Just drop me at my home and give me some time, alright!"

"But why?" Rush asked while he pulled her face closer to his by her neck,

"Everything is here. Your life is here. It is like we are unofficially married now. If you want, we can marry right now."

Her eyes literally widened to the size of soccer balls.

"You are scaring her you idiot." Liam snapped at Rush from behind and before he could say anything else, she started speaking in a worried tone,

"Okay.. look guys, you do not expect me to take all of this info inside my head like some kind of computer data right? I mean husband?"

They gave a look to her.

"Okay.. I mean husbands? Yeah.. so just drop me at my home right now and we will see about everything later. Right now just Drop. Me. Home!"

Liam and Rush looked at each other but then complied to her wish.

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