The Forest

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This book includes bloody parts. It also includes curse words. This book will possibly make people feel angered by some parts.

Also, remember this takes place in 2015.

The forest. My favorite place to be. I breath in the smell of pine needles and green grass. Many of the villagers think my family and I are crazy to make our house in the "Haunted Forest". "Mika!" I here my mother call. "What?" I yell. "Get your ass over here!" she says. I leave my sanctuary of leaves, grass, and pine needles. I'll be back. If she doesn't kill me first. I think as I make my way to the house. "You did it again!?! Damn it, I told you that if you did that again you'd get your ass whooped!" she rages. "Sorry, mother." I mumble. "What was that?!" she said. "Oh, I'll show you how sorry you'll be!" After severe punishment I ran downstairs to the room I share with our dog. I didn't mean to! Its not my fault! I think. If only Dad was here. Just thinking about him makes my eyes water. I sit down by the dog and quietly whimper into his fur. Just as it always does the flashback starts.

Hey, this is WolfHeart. Comment on or vote for my little book for more. Just know your opinions counts! =) ~ WolfHeart

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