The Woman in the House

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The flashback ends as I wake up crying with my head buried deep in my dogs thick fur. I hear thumping (sorry, I know it sounds wrong) on the floor. "Mika Dianne Barhends! Get your ass up here!" I  quickly dry my tears and say "Ok, ok, I'm coming." I run up the stairs so that I don't get an even worse beating then I already will. "I'" I looked at my mother. I'm a little dizzy from running up the stairs so I wait for my vision to focus but when I look at where my mother was standing stood a tall, beautiful, regal, branch covered woman. "Hello, Mika"

Hey everyone! I'm sorry I haven't been posting lately it's just school work and all that plus I had a big writer's block. My question for you guys is if there is any characters you want me to add. I will be picking from a random generator to make sure it's fair. Thanks to everyone for reading my book, sorry for a short chapter but I have a plan for the next chapter. Hope you like it!
~ WolfHeart

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