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-Your POV-

                I woke up to the smell of bacon and pancakes. I coughed, quite loudly; causing me to feel pain in my throat as I heard plates being set down. I heard footsteps and seen a warm face stare at me. "Morning, love." I smiled and mumbled back, morning; which made me cough. Calvin picked me up and set me in my wheelchair, pushing me to the table. He walked back to the kitchen and got our plates ready. He brought them to the table and he sat next to me. "Need help eating?" He asked and I smiled.

"I got it, thanks though Calv." My voice was raspy and I blinked since it startled me, causing Calvin chuckle. He nodded and took a bite out of his pancake. My pancakes were already cut up and I grabbed my fork with my non-casted arm; my left one. I stabbed the piece of pancake and put it carefully into my mouth since I didn't want to hurt my neck. Calvin looked at me smiling and started talking about the recent YouTube drama. He moved his hands as he talked and I smiled, staring at him. He blinked and snapped his fingers at me.

"You good?"

"Yeah, just glad to be back." I smiled more causing him to smile just as wide. 

"Me too." He leaned over and kisses my cheek softly. We talked at the table for what seemed to be like only a few minutes but turned out to be half an hour. I should record a video. 

"Hey Calv, can  I record a video?" He nodded and pushed me to our room and set up the stuff. He pushed the record button and I counted down 3.. 2.. 1..

"Hey guys. It's Y/n, today I'm doing a quick vlog to update you all on my condition..." I ranted on for a while and then stopped recording. I got to editing and spent a long ass time since I had one hand. 

- Time skip- 

Calvin checked on me every once and a while and I yelled for him once I uploaded the video. He ran in with no pants or shirt on. "Jesus what the fuck were you doing? Masturbating?" He rolls his eyes and wheeled my to the living room. It was hot as fuck.

"Air-conditioner stopped working. Only works in the bedroom."

"Then lets go to the bedroom?" Calvin huffed and pushed me back, he set me on the bed and threw me pjs. "Um McScuse me bitch but I have a goddamn broken arm. Help." Calvin groaned and unzipped my sweater. He took it off and stared at my bra. ( Yes you aren't wearing anything under your sweater. I do it all the time. Bite me.)

"Festive." He said, chuckling and led my arms through my button up Christmas pjs. (Fuck you it's November. The get ready for Christmas month.) He pulled off my pants and slipped my pjs on. "There, princess. Happy?" I nodded and he helped me lay down. He patted my head and told me he's heading out to meet up with billy, record and then come back around 8:00. I nodded and looked at the time. Calvin got dressed and left the room. It just turned twelve. I sighed as he left and I passed out, taking a long ass nap.


Hope this update was okay. I'm really sleep deprived and dumb at the moment so. r.i.p

I'll see you guys in the next chapter, thanks for reading.

Much love <3


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