Early Christmas Present

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- Your POV -
A few weeks has passed and I'm now waiting at the busy airport for Dan and Phil. It's Christmas Eve and I still had to get a present for them both. I tapped my foot and looked at my watch. "Any minute now..."
"Y/N!!!!" I heard a familiar voice call over the murmur of others. I look up to see Phil running over, Dan trailing behind him. Phil picked me up into a hug and twirled.
"Hey Philly, hey Danny." I say as Phil sets me down. They were both wearing festive Christmas sweaters and we left the airport, getting into my old car. I started the car and drove to the highway. The boys sat in the back and passed out. Phil had his zebra neck pillow and Dan used his black sweater as a pillow against the window. I smiled as I looked at them through the rear view mirror. I stopped at a mall and got out. They were both passed out. I tried to wake them up but they wouldn't budge. I locked the car and ran into the building. I got Phil an anime plushie and Dan a Einstein puzzle. I payed for them and rushed back to the car. I got in and Phil was on his phone playing games. "Don't look they're your presents"
"Ooooh!!!!!" Phil said, with a mischievous grin.
"No Phil. No peeking. Christmas is tomorrow you can wait." I said, laughing as I pulled out of the parking lot. Phil 'pouted' in the back and stared out the window. I got to the apartment building and parked in my assigned spot. We got out and Phil screamed to wake up Dan. A panicked Dan rushed out of the car and gasped for air causing Phil and I to laugh out asses off. We got up to level 3 and I handed them my keys. Phil unlocked the door and we all entered. They both gasped as they entered. I may have decorated the apartment in the few weeks they weren't here. I chuckled and they stood still, their mouths wide open.

"Merry Christmas!" I said, resting my hands on both of their shoulders

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"Merry Christmas!" I said, resting my hands on both of their shoulders.
"This.. is amazing y/n.." I heard Dan sniffle, "thank you.." The boys both started to cry and we group hugged. I rubbed their backs as they sobbed.
"This place is yours for as long as you need it." I said as we broke apart. They nodded, wiping their tear stained faces. I smiled and gave them a tour, soon after I left them to have some private time.

Merry Christmas Eve everyone 💝🎄
Much love <3

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