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Journey POV.
I'm going to see about a job that my best friend Paige told me about so I see this building looking thing and then I text Paige and then she walk out of it and said" hey journey this is Scorpion
and the team" as we walk in I see Ralph and he said" journey " I smile and said"these my buddy" then I see Tim and said" hey " he said" hey sis" then I think happy said" what your the journey Tim's baby sister " I smile and said" yeah that's me but whatever he told you its a lie " then me him and Paige laugh then happy said" nice to meet you " I nod and said" same" I look around at the place  then I see a guy and he is hot and I see Paige and she said" that is Walter
The boss and our leader " I nod and I said" so what not " then Paige said" nothing your always in " I said" what how" Tim said" yeah we know that your smart so your on the team so now we have to get some stuff now come on sis" I said" now Tim you ain't going to boss me around are you" he just smile and walk away I said bye to everybody and we left.

Walter POV.
We needed someone who would go undercover if needed so that is why I let her join us but I don't know that she was Tim's baby sister but she is pretty.

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