Sick days

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Being sick is literally the worst. Its not even like I am really sick, I just have a cold. But colds really get me down.

I woke up at 6 AM to get ready for college but as soon as I stood up I lied back down because of the pounding headache I had.
"Fuck" I muttered to myself. I grabbed my phone and texted Brendon and told him that I wouldn't be going to my classes today so if he wanted to call or facetime me, then he could. He replied in 10 minutes "Im coming over".

I quickly grabbed me makeup back and put a little concealer on and filled in my eyebrows. I then grabbed a piece of gum and tried to make my breath smell okay.
Knock knock
"Come in" I croaked. Brendon had walked into my dorm about 5 steps and said "Babe you look like shit". "i know" I smiled because I was so used to his blatant remarks.

Brendon grabbed the duvet of my single bed and squeezed in beside me. "Bren... I don't want to make you sick for the show coming up" I mumbled into his chest. "Its okay, I promise" He said whilst soothingly tracing patterns onto my arm.

We slept for 2 hours until Brendon's band mate Dallon rang him. "Hey Dallon" Brendon whispered trying not to wake me up, but I already was. "Not right now, no. Y/N is sick, she needs me" Brendon said whilst fixing is glasses. He looks so cute when he does that ."Thanks buddy, I owe you one" Brendon smiled.

"Y/N, I know you're awake" he chuckled. "Damn how'd you know?" I smiled. "You breath very loud when aroused" He said smoothly.

I kicked Brendon lightly "fuck off" I groaned.

What even is this?
Please give me requests guys because it helps me so much

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