More than partners?

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It was just another day in Death City. It was such a lovely day, and in face, the perfect day to get up and go to school. The sun was shining, there was a bit of a breeze, it was beautiful.

Getting up out of bed, I stretch my arms above my head and get dressed, putting on my usual clothes. A sunny yellow vest over a white long sleeved shirt, and a plaid skirt, accompanied by a pair of worn sneakers. I tame my unruly hair and tie it into two ponytails. Smiling to the mirror I go downstairs, noticing an absence as I reach the kitchen.

I quickly get some breakfast, consisting of a piece of peanut butter covered toast before jogging back up the stairs and going into the room adjacent to mine, shaking my head at what I see.

His room is a disaster area. I pick my way over landmines of clothes and other miscellaneous objects before reaching his bed. I hold back a giggle as I watch him sleep, his mouth is hung open as he snores softly, saliva dripping onto his pillow. Sitting down on the edge of the bed I lean down next to him, my breath billowing out against his ear. I clear my throat. "SOUL GET YOUR BUTT OUT OF BED, IT'S ALMOST TIME TO LEAVE FOR SCHOOL YOU IDIOT!"

He lets out a startled ell and sits up, looking at me and shaking his head. "You know Maka, there has to be an easier way for you to wake me up instead of breaking my ear drums every morning. Just, turn on the lights or something, hell even get Blair in here if you want."

"I could do that, but this way is much more entertaining, now come on, we need to get to class early so we can study. I hear Professor Stein might be giving out a pop quiz." I say, going over to Soul's closer and pulling out some clothes for him, tossing them on the side of them bed as I eat my toast. "Hurry up, I'll make you some breakfast while you get dressed."

The only response I get is a sigh as Soul reluctantly gets out of bed and pulls his pants on over the boxers he had slept in. Looking at the shirt I chose for him he walks over and pulls another one out of the messy floor of the closer, sniffing it and shrugging before pulling it on. He takes a bite of my toast before grabbing his jacket. "No need for breakfast, lets just go. Black Star told me last night he needed to tell me something." Nodding towards the front door of our apartment, he pulls on his jacket. "I'll go get my bike started up, come on out when you're ready."

He grabs his keys and heads out the door, and soon the roar of his motorcycle can be heard as he pulls it up to the door, revving the engine. I pull my bag up onto my shoulder and go outside, locking the door behind me before walking down the steps and getting onto the back of the motorcycle. Soul grins and takes off, and I almost fall off as he speeds towards the school. I wrap an arm around him and hold on tightly.

We reach the school with some time to spare before class. As we walk inside the DWMA I look towards the large bulletin board filled with missions, grabbing Soul's arms to keep him from going as I check and see if there are any good ones that have been recently posted.

We needed work, so I guess we didn't have much room to be picky. I pick the best one, which has a request to take care of at least five kishin, which meant five more souls. The main reason for our jobs was to collect kishin souls, which would help us in our mission of collecting 99 kishin souls along with the final witch soul. Once we acquire all of this, Soul will become a Death Scythe.

"We only need like what, ten more right?" Soul says sleepily, walking up behind me.

I smile and shake my head. "No, we need twelve along with the witch. The job says that there will be multiple kishin, so hopefully we can get them all."

Soul smiles, his sharp teeth pointing menacingly as he licks his lips. "I hope so too, a soul sounds pretty damn good right now. Are we gonna go tonight?"

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