Chick flicks and popcorn

365 22 10

"Ah! Maka! I was looking all over for you sweetheart!" My father, Spirit, said, greeting me as I walked into school the first day back from our mission. 

He grabbed me as I tried to run away, pulling me into a tight hug. Irritated, I squirmed around in his iron grip, trying to get away. "Let me go, I have to get to class!" 

"Oh, nonsense. Lord Death sent me here to find you and tell you the big news. Well, he didn't really send me, but nonetheless I wanted to tell you! Lord Death has decided that in a couple weeks the school is going to host a winter ball at Lord Death's manor. Isn't that exciting? Maybe your papa can teach you how to dance. I used to be pretty good back in my day." He says, continuing to babble on childishly about the thing. 

Not wanting to deal with him, I reach into my bag and grab my book, proceeding to hit him over the head with it so that I could go to class in peace. Soul snickers as we walk down the hallways, but once I threaten to hit him too, he quiets down, 

"So what do you think of the dance thing?" Soul says as we turn a corner. 

"I think it seems like fun, so long as my dad doesn't mess it up for me. Why do you ask?" I say, smiling as I wave to Tsubaki, who just came down the corridor the other way with Black Star. 

"No reason." He says, smiling as he walks up to Black Star, talking to him. 

Tsubaki walks over and smiles sweetly. "So, I heard you guys went on a mission, how'd it go?" 

"Okay I guess, we had some difficulties, and we only got one soul, but we pulled through it. Have you heard about the dance?" I say quickly, trying to change the subject. 

She notes this and nods. "Yes, Black Stars been trying to ask other girls to go with him but it just isn't working. He's trying though. I think we'll just end up going together. That reminds me, I was going to go dress shopping after school today, do you want to come with me?" 

It would be nice to relax after out mission, and I did need a dress. "Yeah, that sounds like fun." 

"I was going to see if Liz and Patty would want to go, but with the way Kid is, I'm sure he'd want to pick out their dresses." 

We continue talking as we go into the classroom. Professor Stein is late, which isn't anything new. Lately he's been hanging out with Ms. Marie a lot, especially before and after school. By now, everyone was used to it. Talk of the dance has spread through the class like wildfire, and soon enough, it's all anyone can talk about. 

Sitting down with Tsubaki, I try and find Soul. I see him towards the other end of the classroom, talking to another girl named Mikayo. Was she the girl Soul liked? I had never seen him take interest in her before, but I guess anything's possible. Why do I feel so sad about that? Shouldn't I be happy that Soul's starting to take interest in others, even thinking of asking someone out? 

I hear Tsubaki talking to me and I fix my attention back onto her. "Sorry, what'd you say?" 

"I was asking you if you were going to go to the dance with anyone? Or is Soul going to take you?" 

"I don't know. A couple days ago, when Stein had us do that assignment, he mentioned that he liked a girl in our class, so maybe he'll go with whoever that is." 

"He didn't tell you who, or give you any hints?" 

"Nope, just that she's in our class." I say shrugging. "If he wants to tell me he will" 

She giggles and nods. "I'm sure he will." 

The day goes by quickly, without much work getting done. Everyone's too excited for the dance to even try. I'm surprised that even I'm excited for it. It would a great chance to see everyone out of school, and of course the food would be good, and seeing everyone getting dressed up would be interesting. 

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