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(A/N: BTW i'm starting to write/type a new story (original story) that's characters are based off the miw members but have different names and stuff just in case i ever want to publish it one day and I was wondering if you'd read and support me with that one too? ENJOY)

Music: Daughters (by The Story So Far)

*Ricky's POV*

          Rule Number One: Coffee is hot.

          I learned this rule the hard way after spilling, dropping, accidentally pouring, and dripping scolding coffee basically all over my body, leaving red and blotchy spots in its place for the past couple of days. Eventually, as the pain subsided, I noticed the look of disappointance and annoyance on the bald, tattoo-covered employee's face who i learned was the manager. He never said anything directly to me since it was still my training period for this week, but i couldn't help but notice him cringe everytime i went to pick up a coffee cup or pot. 

         "You're doing great, Ricky." The other employee, Ryan encouraged me. He'd always help me to make the coffee in the mornings and clean the ever sticky floors when i struggled. You'd think that i'd be good at such tedious tasks from all my labor at my master's homes, but i've grown weak and almost miserable after i had escaped Master Motionless's mansion. I haven't been eating a lot, still eating just not as much as i probably should be, out of habit of when I was a slave. "Here, hold the coffee pot like this, it wont splash and burn you this way." He circled his arms around me, his chest close to my muscle-coiled back as he showed me the correct way to hold the coffee pot. My cheeks rushed with reddenning heat.

          "Can you take that customer, i have to clean the bathroom." He rolled his eyes playfully as he gestured to the dirty mop and water bucket that he went to carry. I nodded, fixing the olive green robe around my waist because the tied strings were loose as i wandered up to the counter. I caught a glance of my reflection in the metalic side of the coffee machine and barely recognized myself. My long hair was pulled back into a ponytail that was pulled through the visor i was forced to wear and my eyes looked dark under the shade of the horrible hat. 

         "What can i get you?" I tried to sound peppy yet casual like Ryan always sounded, but the words came out all mumbled and awkward. 

         "The strongest coffee you have." The voice sounded exhausted, fatigue staining the lackluster words. 

           "Anything else?" I didn't take my eyes off of the cash register where i struggled to remember what to type into the screen. 'Drinks' ,'Hot', 'coffee' i think i did that right. 

            "I don't suppose you have any chicken wings here, do you?" A dull chuckle hung in the air. My eyes flitted up and i had to hold in the gasp that caught in my throat. It was Chris, not just some figment of my imagination, it was actually Chris. He had the same perfectly drawn eye brows, scary facial expression, flawless satin suit, sure his hair was shaved on the sides now but this was definitely Chris.

            "N-no, sir." I heard him let out a tired chuckle to match the smudged bags underneath his makeup-lined eyes. Oh, God! I made it this far on my own and now i'm going to be brought back to that hell hole. I winced mentally, trying to prepare myself. 

            "No, of course not." His voice fell flat as he counted out the four dollars and twenty five cents that the coffee costed. I tried not to do it, i really tried my hardest to keep my eyes down where they belonged but something urged me to look up at those enticing eyes.  And once he handed me the change, his large paws for hands were a harsh contrast to my small ones, his gaze met mine directly. Oh, no!  I didn't know what to do, my heart stop, dropped and rolled in my chest but i still didn't look away. He tilted his head, eyebrows arching interestedly, and i could have sworn i saw a twinkle in his warm caramel orbs. I gulped hard. Then he blinked and gave me a forced smile. "Don't forget to add a lot of sugar." Then Chris moved along down the counter to fetch his coffee when it was finished being made by the manager, Josh, who gave me an odd look. 

          How did he not recognize me? Maybe it was because my hair was pulled into a pony tale that was tucked in my hat? Maybe it was the colorful uniform that actually fit my thin frame without sagging (all thanks to a tailor that Andy set me up with)?... or maybe it was because he forgot me... 


DUN DUN DUNNNNN jk but comment reactions, predictions, over all thoughts!

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