16| Stay Safe.

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(A/N: Two updates in one week? Something must be wrong with me!! Jk im getting sad that this story is going to be over soon and then no more slave/free Ricky and Chris messed up drama... what are you guys gonna do when this ends?????? ENJOY)

Music: Avalanche (by Bring Me The Horizon)

                Circles (by Pierce The Veil)

***************Warning: mentions of abuse************************

*Ghost's POV*

         Every second together was a blessing that i was endlessly thankful for. Every second together meant that he wasn't getting hurt; it meant he was safe; it meant we could live in our bliss for just a little bit longer. But that always came to an end the second before we felt like everything could be okay. Because, we had to face reality sooner or later, we weren't safe. Everyday was a living hell that grew ceaselessly hotter. 

           "You're so cute, you know that?" I mumbled through my swollen lip just to see the cute blush creep over his cheeks. 

             "Stop moving, you'll make it bleed more." He giggled, blotting at the crusted up blood on my bruised lips. I had gotten used to the pain a long time ago, but the glimmering in his hazel eyes never ceased to amaze me. He made my heart pound a million times a second. I loved it.

            "Good." I jolted forward and pressed my throbbing lips to his plush ones, cupping his burning cheeks in my caloused hands. He was so perfect. I never wanted to take my lips away from his because they were made for eachother. "Ughh." I groaned in slight pain as i reluctantly pulled away. My ribs were one hundred shades of black and blue and every move i made sent a new wave of pain through my body. I hadn't forgotten how many kicks to my chest and ribs i had taken as punishment for looking at Master Radke the wrong way. Thirty five kicks and two broken ribs that probably wouldn't heal correctly, if at all.  

           "You have to stay safe, Dev. I see the way you look at those knives in the kitchen." Kier looked at me up and down, his eyes now glistening with tears rather than temporary joy. 

              "I can't take it here anymore. I love you, but if he keeps treating me like this, i'm going to end up dead one day. He'll kill me, i know it." I bit my already bloodied lip.

                "Then we have to get out of here, we could make it." His eyes looked directly into mine and i felt the sizzle of naive hope that he emitted.

             "That's never going to happen, Kier. Get it out of your head." Yeah, that seemed a little harsh but it was the truth. Why get your hopes up when you know it's never going to happen.

              "You don't know that. We could escape from here and live some place on our own, just you and me... and a puppy." He grinned madly like the cheshire cat, the sparkle returning to his eyes. God, i loved him

                "I prefer cats."

                "And i prefer when you sit still and let me at least get the blood out of your hair, but shit happens." I could just sit there and admire him for hours, cherishing the way his nose and eyes crinkled when he smiled, treasuring his positive attitude to keep me sane although i had gone mad years ago. He was my rock. "Just promise me you'll stay safe."

               My throat seemed thick as my words came out. "I promise."

                But then the room seemed to hitch and smudge like a smeared painting and the next thing i knew, my ears were ringing with his screaming and the sickening  thud that was his skull cracking against the cement walls. 

                "Kier!" My voice seemed to be muted. 

*Ricky's POV*

          I jolted awake and nearly fell on the floor, tangled in the blankets as Ghost screamed.

          "Kier!" His voice shook with tragic pain. I had to hush him, calm him down. 

           "Devin..." I shook him out of his delirious sleep, but his eyes were still shut. "Devin, wake up! It's just a dream." I shook him harder until he jumped up and panted from hyperventilating. 

            "Kier! Where is he?" He looked around frantically, mind still stuck on the horrible memory.

            "Devin, he's- Kier's gone." I held his hands in mine as he looked at me with wide eyes and the tears started to roll down his heated cheeks. He was sobbing now, long fits of spastic breathign followed by choking tears that made my heart wretch in my chest. No one deserved this, not even my worst enemy. 

           "N-no." He repeated over and over again as he covered his face with his trembling hands. "N-no he can't be gone." I could tell that this happened quite often, just as often as i was haunted by Chris. "M-my Kier." His hands were balled into fists, pulling at his matted hair.

(A/N: i add horrible gif because i am, in fact, horrible person)

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(A/N: i add horrible gif because i am, in fact, horrible person)

              He stood up quickly, sucked in a ragged breath then ran to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. I couldn't help but notice that the purple and black bruises around his black eye had smeared with his tears down his cheek.



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