12| Danger Game.

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(A/N: comment "applesauce" if you're reading this... ENJOY)

*Chris's POV*

        Now everything looked like it was in black and white, nothing even reflecting the slightest bit of happiness or excitement. I just wanted to stay at home and sulk in peace. How could i live a life without my Ricky? 

        But no, Kuza and Warsnop made me get out of the house because 'my depressed mood was somehow affecting them and bumming them out'. Go to the town, they said. It'll be fun, they said. They even locked me out of my own damn house for the next hour so i had no choice but to go to the town and pout until they let me back in. And now i can't stop seeing Ricky precious face in everyone who passes me; the man who held the door, the woman crossing the street, even the damn cashier boy at the coffee shop. But i knew it was all just my imagination.

      So i relied on the coffee warming my palms to anchor me to reality. Maybe i didn't need Ricky. Sure, i liked his pretty blue eyes, and the way sparkled when the sun hit them just right, and i liked his wavy black hair that hung limp a his shoulders. Maybe i didn't need him. Oh who am i kidding? I'm hopeless without my Ricky in my possession. Why did someone have to put that stupid idea of leaving me into his precious brain.

       My phone buzzed in my suit pocket, irritating me further, but i picked it up anyways. "How's the trip to the town going?" I heard the evidentally mocking tone in Kuza's voice. 

       "Oh just splendidly."  I wanted to strangle the tall pierced boy through the phone and my voice reflected that too, but i refrained because i was in a public place.

         "Oh, then i'm sure you'll be happy to know that i found you a new slave. Not quite as skinny and frail like that scarred one, but just as pale and has long dark hair as well." 

           "What is he? A sex slave? A house maid?" My voice was lackluster.

            "Who said it was a 'he'?" Kuza chuckled maniacally. I growled out of frustration. "Kidding. It's a male. And it can be whatever you want it to be. You want to hatefuck it, go ahead, that's your business." It didn't even phase me that Kuza reffered to the slave as a possession instead of a person, but who am i kidding, i probably would reffer to it like that too. I still don't know how i feel about it. "It's at your house right now..." Then he hung up.

*Ricky's POV* 

          My heart could finally beat normally once Chris left the dimly lit coffee shop. It felt like the chains and horrible yet taunting memories that encased my heart was ever so slightly relieved, but i knew they were still there. 

           "Are you okay?" Ryan's deep and comforting voice snapped me back to reality for a second. "You were acting weird earlier." He approached me with ease, knowing i was still uncomfortable. I had my apron in my one hand, while my other hand reached for the rubber band in my hair. It was time to go home and i was thankful. 

          "Yeah, i'm fine." Liar. My brain hissed at me. Why don't you just tell him that you don't belong here. Tell him that you're a slave and that you don't belong in a normal town. I cringed.

         "See you tomorrow then." His smile was warming. I liked it. 

          I placed my apron on the hook and was starting to head for the door, my hand on the handle, when i was knocked over by someone opening the door in a rush. "Ricky! Ricky?" Ghost panicked, his hands trembling as he reached to help me up. "Ricky, please." Just then did i notice the black and purple bruises blooming on the skin of his busted open lip and just creeping over the collar of his sweatshirt. He was bleeding too from cuts along his eyebrow and cheek. 

              "What happened?" I couldn't contain the worry tht enveloped me. "Who did this?" My wide eyes scowered the damage that tainted him. 

               "Who do you think?" He spat,  trying to hide the bruises from the onlookers. 

               "Those guys that were... paying you to..." I whispered the last part. 

                He nodded shallowly. "Look can i just stay at your place until things die down? Until i get a new crowd of people?"

               "Are you kidding me? You're going to go back to that prostitution ring you're running? It's just going to happen again." I tried not to sound mad and fustrated but i was. 

                 "I have nothing else to do, Ricky! No home like you, no money like you. I'm not free. I never was." He bit his lip after that.

                 I couldn't just bring Ghost back to Andy and Juliet's home, i was lucky i got to stay there. I can't overstay my welcome. But did i really have a choice? I already had done Ghost wrong in the past when i left him to rot in Chris's mansion i can't do it again. I touched the key that was hung around my neck. I don't know why i kept it. i had no choice but to bring him back with me....


Oops there's a big hint in this chapter, maybe you can figure it out?

Who do you think the new slave is? How will chris react?

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