How he asks you on a date

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JJ: He asked you out at Jamie's Wedding. After Jamie and Sarah's first dance JJ asked you to dance with him and of course you accepted. You had a crush on JJ but nobody knew about it so you decided to keep it that way. While you two were dancing he pulled you closer to him.
"I wish I had something like this one day!" He whispered.
"You will one day. Your wife will be so lucky to have you" You whispered back breaking slightly.
"I guess but that's only if the woman of my dreams likes me" He whispered sadly, he was killing you. It hurt knowing he would be with someone other than you.
"Oh and who is this lucky woman?" You asked sadly.
"Well, she has beautiful e/c and I could get lost in them. She also has beautiful h/c. Tonight she looks amazing!" 
"Oh come on JJ, spill please!" You said wanting to get this over with.
"To get the woman of my dreams, will you go on a date with me?" He asked.
"OF COURSE!" You whisper shouted "Unless you're joking?" 
"I'm being dead-" He started before Jamie interrupted him.
"Well done man, you finally did it" He patted JJ on the back. "And as for you Y/N, you're so lucky to have a guy like JJ" 
"But we're not even dating? We're just going out on a date" JJ told Jamie.
"That's how everything starts" He winked and walked off leaving you giggling.

Harry: Living in the flat under Harry and the Cal's has its downsides. You can hear them recording their videos but after 2 years of friendship you have learnt to deal with it. One day it was too quiet up there, you could hear Callum recording but not Harry or Cal. You thought that it was quite unusual as they were up at the crack of dawn usually making noise but not today. You decided it might be a good idea to text Harry and see if everything was alright.
Y/N: Is everything alright up there??
H: Yeah why?
Y/N: It's very quiet.
You then decided to get dressed so you could actually make some videos today as well. You became a YouTuber about a year after Insomnia, you didn't get along with some people and wanted to do something new. 
Once you were ready you heard the buzzer for your door go so you went to the bell and asked who was there. Cal said he got kicked out so you decided to let him into your flat. When you heard the knock you immediately opened it to Harry holding flowers.
"Y/N, I've known you for two years now, I was wondering if you would maybe go on a date with me?"
"Hmmmm, depends where you're going to take me?" You smirked.
"Well, my plan was Nandos then back here to watch a film?"
"I was joking Harry, I'd love to go on a date with you!" You hugged him and before you pulled away you saw Cal holding a camera and filming.

Vik: He asked you to go on a date over message. You had planned to meet with the sidemen later on in the day. About 2 hours before you received a message.
A wild Vikkstar123 appears
Hello wild Vikkstar123
Vikkstar123 uses ASK OUT ON A DATE!
Classy Vik haha
So what do you say?
I say it's cheesy but yes!

Simon: Simon, Josh, Ethan, Vik and JJ invited you to play Cards against humanity with them. You happily accepted because why not, you enjoyed watching them.
"Raise your hand just like so and say hello!" Ethan said. "We are joined by Y/N today because she begged us to let her play." 
"Hey, you guys begged me, I don't want anything to do with you guys" You giggled.
Throughout the game there were a lot of jokes that you couldn't help but laugh at, you did feel mean when the boys were ganging up on Simon.
"Guys don't be mean to Simon" You requested. 
"Ooooh, someone is being protective. Is there something you guys aren't telling us?" Vik giggled and Ethan laughed his signature laugh as Josh tested your patience.
The next round you were the Card Czar and the card was "miniminter: Y/T/N_________"
"Okay guys what did Simon tweet me?" You asked and waited for them all to pick a card. 
"I think JJ needs to do this one." You announced.
"Y/T/N Freya's Batty" You read "GUYSSSS! Don't be mean to my bae"
"Woah, she's my bae back off" Josh moaned at you.
"Y/T/N Vikk's 12 year old 'friends'. Y'all are so mean" You sassed. 
"Y/T/N JJ the Zoella thirsty 'rapper'." 
"Y/T/N will you go on a date with me?" You read. "Well, they're all pretty bad."
You picked the last one and it turned out to be Simon's. 
"So Y/N, what do you say?" 
"You were being serious? Of course I will!" 

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