Becoming a couple

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JJ: He asked you out very casually, you were both practically almost a couple but it just wasn't really official so one night while you were eating your pizza at the house and you were talking about your relationship he asked you if you wanted to make it official.
"Well Y/N, we are basically a couple already so how about we make it official?" 
"What are you implying Jide?" Knowing full well what he was trying to say but you wanted to hear the actual words leave his lips.
"Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?" 
"Of course I will Jide" You said kissing him.

Harry: Harry invited you up to his flat because him, Cal and Callum were having a movie night. 
"Hey do you wanna come up and watch films with me and the Cal's? They'll be snuggling and I need someone to snuggle with" 
"Sure but I will need to be supplied with popcorn!" You replied before trying to put your shoes on with one hand.
"See you in a minute then Y/N"
You got up to his flat and watched the film and snuggled. 
"I enjoy snuggling with you. How about we make this a full-time thing?" 
"You asking me out Harry?" You smirked.
"You know I am so what do you say Y/N. Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Of course Harold!" 

Vik: He took you back to the Minecraft convention where you first met and he took you inside where the lights were all on but it was deserted. He took you to the exact place you first met and you remembered everything from that day. You looked up to the stage and saw on the screen that there were pictures of you and Vik on every big thing that had happened in the space of 2 years. He took your hands in his and looked up from the floor at you.
"Y/N, I really like you and I wanted to bring you here so I could ask you" He started.
"Yes Vik, what did you want to say?"
"I wondered do you want to be my girlfriend?" 
"OF COURSE" you squealed.

Simon: The way Simon asked you to be his girlfriend was cute and simple. You were round his doing a Q&A with him for his channel and he asked you a couple of questions.
"Y/N, would you consider dating Simon?" 
"Hmmmmm, maybe!" 
"Well, there's only one way to find out. Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?"
You didn't answer but embraced him in a huge warm hug and nodded into his neck confirming you'd love to.

Josh: Josh did it very creatively and very unexpectedly. He came to your house one day and said he wanted to spend the day with you. During the day you got a knock on your door and a man stood outside with a package addressed to you. You opened up the package to reveal a t-shirt with "Will you be my girlfriend?" written across the back. You looked over at Josh who looked at you with a questioning look.
"OF COURSE I WILL" You said as you gave him a kiss on the cheek. He turned around and you saw he was wearing a t-shirt with your ship name printed across it.

Ethan: The way Ethan asked you out made you laugh but you found it very cute as well! He came over to your house with a big box of chocolates and asked if you wanted to spend some time together so you invited him and opened the chocolate to reveal the message 'Be my baezinga?' with two chocolates underneath that read 'yes' and 'no'. You ate the one that said no and turned to look at Ethan who was blushing.

Tobi: One day you woke up to see Tobi sleeping on your sofa with your dog/cat and they were all snuggled up. You had no idea why Tobi was at yours but you  saw it as  normal now. You went over to him to see he had a small sign on the dog/cat's collar that said 'Y/N will you make me the happiest and spend nights wrapped in my arms like p/n?'
"Of course I will Tobs!" You whispered not wanting to wake him and you placed a kiss on his forehead.

Callux: Callum used the help of Freya to ask you out. Seen as Freya was so close to you she knew exactly how to do it. She knew that grand gestures weren't your thing, you liked it simple. He invited you out to a cafe and decided that he'd order you food. The food came with a little note saying "Y/N, will you be my girlfriend? - Callum". You looked up and smiled nodding at him.

Calfreezy: Cal asked you out with help from Sarah, he asked her to help him write you a song and she sung it for him. He created a montage of moments from videos and put pictures you guys had taken with it. When it was done he posted it to YouTube and directed a tweet to you about it and you watched it. The end screen said 'Will you be the freezer to my fridge?'. You simply replied to his tweet saying 'You got yourself a freezer' (This is so cheesy WTF)

Lewis asked you out when you took him to hospital after another football accident. You sat next to him on his bed and he took your hand.
"Thanks for always being there for me! I have a question for you" He told you.
"Hit me Lewis" You replied and he smirked "Not literally!" 
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
"I thought you'd never ask!" 

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