Chapter 9

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Jayce leaned back in her desk chair, finally done with her drawing. It had taken her hours, but she had finished. Although, she hadn't taken a full look at what exactly she was drawing. She stretched her arms, leaning forward to look at the finished sketch. She picked up the stray page, holding it up, before looking at the full drawing before squeaking and letting it fall to the floor. 'W-what? Why?' She frantically racked her mind for an answer. The paper flitted to the ground, making the drawing face towards the ceiling for all to see. She was thankful her dad wasn't home. 'Why did I draw him? I didn't even realize I was!' She mentally screamed at herself. 'Out of all people, why him?' She paced nervously around her room, creating quite the commotion for her brother who awoke angrily from his nap. "Jayce, what the hell are ya doin up there?" She heard his voice from the other side of the door. The girl panicked for a moment but then picked up a floorboard, throwing her sketch under it, and replacing the board just as her brother opened the door. She exhaled, and apologized frantically for her noise, trying to get her brother to leave. "Jeez, quit yer apologizin. It's fine." He pinched the bridge of his nose before he rolled his eyes and walked back out. Jayce collapsed on her bed and breathed out a sigh of relief. 'Why did I draw him?' She pondered before leaping up and began ransacking her bookshelf, looking for an answer in one of her science books to her current predicament. Alas, she found nothing and collapsed on the floor next to the pile of books. "Great. Just great. I'm probably dying or something." She muttered angrily. Soon enough, her eyes floated back to the gauze on her hands, and she sighed dreamily, thinking about the boy again. 'What was his name?' She took a few moments. "Dipper." She quietly responded. "His name was Dipper." She caught herself before she sighed again. 'No. No, Jayce. This is not real.' She mentally argued with herself. "What's wrong with me?" She looked at the ceiling in exasperation, wishing it could yield to her an answer. 'Is It couldn't be.' Her eyes widened in fear. She lifted the floor board to grab the sketch. "Oh god. I think it is..." She shook her head. "This is the worst thing to happen to a Cipher. I think I'm in love." She put her hands over her face. "With who?" She jumped, hitting her head on the corner of her bookshelf. She hissed, rubbing it. "Blake! Honestly." She heard the door creak open. Her eyes widened in realization and she frantically tried to hide the sketch. "Who is that? And what's got ya actin so squirrelly?"
"Doesn't look like nothin."
"Who says you need to know?"
"Me. That's who."
"What's it matter to you?"
Her brother rolled his eyes and sat across from her on the floor. He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her to him, only slightly. "You can tell me anything, ya know." She shook her head. "Not this, Blake." But he wouldn't give up that easily. Not by a long shot. "Is it the thing that happened with dad last night?" She looked to the side, nearly tearing up. She grasped a stray hair, running it through her fingers. "N-no. It's not that." He looked at her with a tilted head. "Well then who are you in love with? Ya find a good character in a book or somethin?" She rolled her eyes. "I wish. It would make it so much simpler." His head never returned to its original upright position. "Just tell me already! You can trust me." She sighed heavily before resting her face in her hands. "Promise. Promise you won't say a word. Not to dad either." He shook his head. "I wouldn't. I promise." Jayce pulled her knees into her chest and hugged them.
"Well remember that night? The one where I went out the window?"
"Yeah, you never even fully told me what happened."
"Well, I met someone."
"A...a guy."
"Oh no."
"I almost set him on fire..."
"Oh my god."
"Well...we had both looked at each other, not saying a word. And he was actually kinda cute...I guess."
"Did you even get his name?"
"Yes. His name is Dipper."
"That sounds like a fake name..."
"Well anyways, when dad brought me back here, and threw me into my room, I started throwing things, and ended up throwing a glass."
"Oh, so that's where those cuts and the gauze came from."
"Anyways, after a while, when dad had gone to bed, I snuck out."
"YOU SNUCK OUT?! Jayce!"
"Well...I sort of had to."
"Why in the world would you 'sort of have to'?!"
"Well...I ended up going to where that boy lived."
"How did you even know where he lived?!"
"I followed a gut feeling, I guess. So he spotted me, and came running out to where I was. We talked for a moment, before he noticed the cuts on my knees."
"I don't think I can take much more of this..."
"So he ended up patching up my cuts, and that's when he introduced himself..."
She looked off into the distance, and her brother ran a hand down his face in exasperation. "Oh my god, you know how bad this is?! You fell in love with someone who dad probably doesn't want you to know exists!" He stopped for a moment, realizing what he said. Jayce hung her head knowingly. "You don't have to tell me twice." He put a hand on her shoulder sympathetically, giving her a small smile as she looked up at him. "It's okay, Jayce. It happens to the best of us..."

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