Chapter 12

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Dipper took in a shaky breath as he finalized the plan in his mind. As his feet gently hit the forest floor beneath him, he looked for the familiar landmarks that would lead him to Jayce. The boy held the guitar in his hands. He heard a stray owl in the trees, which put him a little on edge. His hands tightened slightly around the neck of the guitar. Dipper continued to move towards where he believed was Jayce's house. As he made it to a clearing, his hypothesis was correct. Her tree house remained in the same place as it was a few days ago. A small smile made its way to the boy's face as he began to quietly move closer. He just had to figure out what window was hers. He took a few steps back to he could relatively see into the windows. He noticed a few small branches here and there, showing someone had taken route around the back. He walked around the base of the tree, following the broken branches. As Dipper looked up, he noticed a small light emanating from a window. He tried looking into it, but couldn't see anything. Dipper inhaled sharply and secured the guitar around his back before making the dumbest decision of his teenage years; he began to climb up the base of the tree. Limb after limb he pulled himself up towards the window. His breathing hitched as he was able to take a peek into the room. He saw the sleeping form of Jayce, blankets pulled up to her nose. Dipper smiled, before his eyes widened realizing his proximity to her. He inched back on the limb, so if she were to punch him, he wouldn't fall out of the tree. "Hey! He whispered. "Hey! Jayce!" He saw the blankets move and settle once again. The boy sighed in exasperation. "Jayce!" He whispered a little louder. The girl shot up and looked around her room. "Over here." Dipper's hand waved a little. Jayce's head turned slowly before her sapphire orbs widened realizing who it was. "Dipper?! What the hell are you doing here?!" The boy merely smiled. "I think I have something of yours..." Jayce's eyebrows rose up in confusion before Dipper pulled something from behind his back. Her eyes widened and a large grin adorned her face. "My-my guitar!" A smirk grew on Dipper's face. "I have my ways..." Jayce said nothing, as she quickly climbed out of her window and wrapped her arms around the boy's neck. "Thank you so much." Dipper was taken aback at first, as the girl had pushed him backwards a little and he was close to falling off the branch he was perched on. The boy soon relaxed into the hug as he cautiously put his arms around her waist. Jayce tensed for a moment and soon relaxed further. The two broke the hug as Jayce took her prized guitar. "You don't know how much this means to me." A single tear rolled down her face as Dipper wiped it away with his thumb and gently grabbed her chin, pulling her closer to him. Jayce's eyebrows rose once again out of confusion as Dipper continued to pull her closer, inch by inch. A blush exploded on Dipper's face as he realized Jayce was confused. He laughed nervously and pulled back, letting go of Jayce's chin. Her face relaxed again and she smiled a small smile, sitting across from the boy on the limb. "Why aren't you afraid?" Dipper's head tilted to the side. "What do you mean?"
"Well, because of last time. You looked horrified when my dad showed up."
"Well he's not out here with us now, is he?"
Dipper smiled timidly as Jayce looked behind her. "I suppose not." She smiled and moved a little closer to the boy, as Dipper did the same. They sat on the limb for quite some time, quietly talking and simply enjoying the others' company. After an hour or so, Jayce was the first to break the silence. "As much as I hate to ask this, shouldn't you be heading home?" Dipper turned to the girl who wore a seemingly sad expression on her face. The boy sighed as he knew she was right. He stood up, nearly falling off the branch as Jayce quietly giggled. As their eyes met, a pink tint arose on both their cheeks. Dipper took one step forward and cupped the side of Jayce's face, gently pulling her to him. "We probably won't see each other again for a while, you know that?" Her eyes averted to the ground and she slowly nodded her head. Dipper's hand guided Jayce's eyes back to his as forest green met sapphire. Dipper leaned in quickly and gave Jayce a small peck on the lips, causing her to quietly squeak. As Dipper broke away, she gently placed three fingers to her lips as the boy waved and began his descent back down the tree. Jayce climbed back in through her window and sat on her bed, her guitar in her lap and a pink blush on her cheeks. 'What...what was that?'

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⏰ Última atualização: Nov 16, 2016 ⏰

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