Chapter 11

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"SHIT!" Crashes and thuds were heard from the room of Jayce, as her father and brother slightly jumped at every thud. Blake's eyes widened as the girl's father cautiously began moving up the stairs to question his daughter. "WHERE THE HELL IS IT?!" Jayce had torn up her room trying to find it. 'I could have sworn I had it...' She paced around her room wondering all of the possibilities of where her precious keepsake was. She heard a knock at her door. "Jayce...what's wrong?" Her father poked his head in. "Oh. Just my stupid guitar. I can't find the damn thing." She began digging in her closet as her dad patted her back. "It'll turn up. Maybe you should ask Blake." The girl nodded. "Oh! I've got to get going, you'll be making dinner tonight right?" Jayce mumbled what her father assumed as a 'yes' as he chuckled and headed out the door. Suddenly Jayce's eyes widened. 'It's in the tree! The tree...out there...where I'm not allowed...shit.' Her eyes narrowed as she flopped herself on her bed. Her brother soon decided to come in. "Holy-what the hell did ya do to your room?!" Jayce's hands went to cover her face as she angrily mumbled through them. "Couldn't find my guitar. It's in a tree somewhere and I'll probably never get it back." A few tears streamed down her face. Blake looked at her in confusion. "It's just a guitar ain't it? You can probably make another one." She sat up harshly, with fire in her eyes. Her brother backed up a few steps before sitting in a desk chair, bracing himself for what was to come. "Just...just a guitar? YOU THINK THAT IF IT WAS 'JUST A GUITAR' I WOULD BE FREAKING OUT LIKE THIS?! THAT WAS THE ONLY MEMORY OF HER I HAVE LEFT!" More tears streamed down from her face and she turned around to calm herself, the occasional sniffle escaping her tight lips. Blake stood up and walked over to his sister, pulling her into a hug. "I know, I know it's hard Jayce. I'm sorry. I forgot." They stood like that for a moment, Blake regretting his actions deeply. "It'll turn up, Jayce. And I'll help ya find it." Soon, she playfully punched his stomach as a small smile played coyly on her lips. "I forgive you, but you better keep that promise. Now quit touching me." He smiled back before ruffling her hair. "I'll make dinner." Her brother walked out, as Jayce began cleaning up her room. 'Damn, I really made a mess.' She stacked her books back on their respective shelves, and hung her clothes back up in her closet. An hour or so later after she had a clean room once more, Blake called her down for dinner. She began to walk towards her door when she noticed a stray shirt on the ground. 'Huh, wonder how I forgot about this...' She picked it up before moving to put it in her dresser. As she began to move, something had caught her foot. She looked down to notice the gauze that was on her hands a few days ago. She looked at her hands to notice they had healed rather nicely. She smiled before picking up the gauze and tearing off a small part that wasn't bloody before throwing the rest into a nearby trash can. She inspected the piece she had torn before, and realized it was almost in the shape of a heart. Her face heated up as she walked over to her bookshelf and grabbed a book off the shelf. She opened to a random page and gently placed the white piece of gauze into the slightly yellowed pages of the book and closed it, replacing it on the shelf before walking out of her room and heading to the kitchen. "I called ya like ten minutes ago, I thought ya fell asleep or somethin." Jayce rolled her eyes before sitting down to eat. "Isn't it about time dad went to the store or something? I feel like we're running low." Blake shrugged. "He's probably got it covered." The girl shook her head, before getting up to put her plate in the sink. "Well, I got a drawing to work on, so I don't think I'll be back down soon." Jayce grabbed a bag of tortilla chips and two bottles of water. Her brother shook his head before calling after her. "Whatever. Don't eat all those chips!" She laughed as she closed he door. "No promises...heh, alright. Time to finish this thing." She pulled a detailed drawing of a pine tree out of her desk drawer. She nodded her head in approval, silently thanking herself for doing the ink work the other day. Jayce grabbed a box of colored pencils and got to work. A few hours later, although it seemed like mere minutes, Jayce had grown frustrated. 'A pine tree is harder to color than I thought.' A stray pencil rolled off her desk. She sighed, stretched, and got up to retrieve it. As she picked up the pencil, she noticed it was laying next to the floorboard that hid her drawing of Dipper. Heat rose to her face once again as she pulled open the board and removed the drawing. She inspected it for a moment, before smiling and replacing it. The drawing had relaxed her, as she returned to her chair. She glanced at the analog clock, realizing the time was 2 am. Jayce's eyes widened. 'Have I really been working this long?' She sighed. "Damn." The girl walked over to her dresser to grab a black tank top and a pair of sweats for her pajamas. Her door slightly opened to reveal her father. "Hey, Jayce. Heading to bed?" The girl nodded with a yawn. He smiled at her and closed the door. Jayce slipped into her closet to change, and emerged a few moments later. She lightly paced around her room, braiding her hair. She found herself unable to concentrate on weaving the strands together and focused more on the whereabouts of her prized guitar. She tied the end of the braid and tossed her hair behind her shoulder and climbing into her bed. She settled into her bed and closed her electric blue eyes.

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