} Gøød Ríddancê

365 13 1

"Charlie! Charlie!" I ran towards her, wrapping my arms around the girl I loved— my best friend.

She was there for me when Fletcher and Preston were ganged up on, attacked and killed. She was there for me when Mitch hung himself, when he couldn't deal with it anymore.

She is, and was, my everything. Vik and Simon came to stay, along with Harry. They're going to be living with us all for a while, just because the house is so empty and sad without them.

As I let go of her, she smiled, taking my hand and leading me towards a zebra crossing, y'know— those places where you cross.

A car came round, from out of nowhere, speeding down the road. I couldn't get her out. I couldn't even tell her to move. I was frozen. My mind was panicking, I couldn't loose her too!

I shot out of bed to be greeted with Simon and Harry screaming at me, shaking me violently.

"W-what happened?" I choked out, sweat pouring down my face as I stared at the two boys in front of me. Both seemed just as concerned and confused as I did.

"Vik came in to wake you up and... You weren't moving, or breathing." Simon explained, motioning to Vik who was standing in the doorway. I smiled, before remembering- where's Charlie?!

"Where's Charlie?" My voice echoed around the room.

Their expressions dropped. Harry looked from Simon to Vik— they all did the same, before Harry coughed lightly...

"Lachlan... She— she's been dead for a year."

Letters ; LachlanWhere stories live. Discover now