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TESHA WAS GLAD TO COME HOME AFTER WORKING THAT DAY. She'd had to clean up after a particularly long and involved "meeting", between several patrons at her place of business and their clients. Most would find it completely disgusting, but Tesha had dealt with all amounts of bodily fluids for the past few years; it wasn't something that ever phased her.

Sometimes while she cleaned, the girls would sit with her and talk about their affairs. Tesha didn't mind hearing about their clients, she knew that talking about it was a sort of comfort in a way to the girls. Sure, most of the girls enjoyed their lives for the most part, but after a few years of your body being used for nothing but other people's pleasure, such thoughts tended to take root in a particularly dark place of the mind.

Tesha refused to use the word "whore", when describing the women in the brothel. While hypocritical bastards berated and verbally abused the very women they took pleasure from, Tesha had grown to have a sort of respect for them. After all, they had quite a bit of confidence in their bodies and skills, enough to put themselves out there for all the world to see, and here, in Littlefinger's brothel, where they lived a fairly decent life. Fine clothes, to appease their clients of course, decadent food and drink, jewels, room and board. Things could be a lot worse than working in Petyr Baelish's brothel.

Some said that everyone who worked for Littlefinger was an offer, but that wasn't entirely true. Yes, Lord Baelish had offered her extra work, and Tesha had had to be very careful in her words when she declined. Treading cautiously, she reasoned that she made much more money with her current duties than she would selling her body, and if she did accept, she would not have time to manage the jobs she already had, and it would be fruitless if she fell behind on her other duties. Baelish hadn't bothered her again, but she remained wary in her steps after that. Refusing Petyr Baelish wasn't something that most loved to tell the tale of.

One of the newer girls, Ros, from the North, had quickly become fond of Tesha, just for having respect for the girls in the house. Ros had quickly wormed her way into the confidence of Lord Baelish, becoming one of his trusted girls. Such a position had it's benefits, but it could be quite dangerous as well. Crossing the Master of Coin was often a fatal thing to do.

When Tesha reached the door to her and her mother's home, she stopped suddenly, hearing more than just her mother's voice inside. There were two horses tied up outside the stone apartment, and by the look of it, they weren't simply common horses.

She could make out two voices besides her mother's, both male, both grown. Her mother sounded nervous, though she couldn't quite tell what they were speaking of. Coming out from her hiding spot, she walked through the door, making her presence known. For a low born bastard, she was very good at intimidating people, her stance almost commanding, and strong.

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