Chapter 2

7 2 2

Song: Trouble by Hasley
Tobio's P.O.V
The walk to my house was long, tiring, and so painful. I just wanted to get home and forget about today. I needed to forget about my life too, I can't even be happy, knowing I have cancer now. Great... I'm just one of those unlucky souls I guess. Its not really 'fair' but life isnt otherwise, so i guess I'll  just have to live with it?..

And seriously, the walk to my house would have taken me about 5 minutes during a normal day but no. I had to stop multiple times. I had to shield my eyes from the dim lights from the flickering lights in the lamp posts. It was complete hell..

I just have so many questions buzzing in my head.. And now this is just adding more questions.

How long have I had this?

How will I tell my teammates?

How will I tell Hinata I love him?

How am I going to play volleyball?

How will my dead-beat father react?

SHIT! My dad! I forgot! He wanted me home right after practice! I'm so dead!

I started to attempt to run, feeling already tired from less then a minute of running. This was tearing me down already and fairly quickly. I hated this so much. But I would rather feel like I am going to collapse from running then my dad getting angry at me for the time. But seriously, I havent gone to a docter in years, could I have had this for a long while and I DIDNT even notice it? Oh dammit! Forget about it, I gotta get home, now.

Finally, FINALLY! I got to my apartment, out of breath while sweating. Yeah, and of course my apartment's lights were bight and shining through the windows as I slimmed my eyes, getting to the door while pulling it open. It was unlocked, dad must have been home...

"Argh! Where, were you?!" A familiar voice hollered from the couch, getting up with a beat red face. He. looked. pissed.

"Sorry I'm late.." I mumbled, shutting my eyes so the lights wouldnt keep stinging my pupils. It was the worst feeling imaginable. It was like citric acid leaking into the slits in my eyes.

My father slimmed his eyes, taking me by my shirt and shaking me. His grip was as if he had some super ability to have an abundance of strength. I was done for. "Dont ever be late! Got that?! I own you Tobio! Your mother isnt here to comfort you when you fuck up! I'm reality Tobio! Now where the fuck were you?!" My dad screeched, shoving me back and forth, reeking of liquor and body oder. He made sure I was shaken up definitely because I felt nauseous.

I opened my eyes half way, looking to him with a straight face. "The hostpital." I responded blankly, so done with the worlds shit that I didn't have the time to fight with my dad. We always fought. Even when we didn't need to fight. He'd find the slightest thing and tear me down about it. Isn't he such a great dad?

My dad glared. "What happened then?" He asked, tightening his grip until his knuckles brimmed white.

"I'm sick" I mumbled, sighing "I found out I have brain cancer.." The more I think about it or say that I have cancer, it still seems too. Unreal.

"So? Doesnt mean you can come home late!" He retorted, getting angrier and angrier. He looked like a predator when it gets its prey snatched away.

"Will you stop screaming at me! I've just been told the worst news of my whole life and now I have to deal with you?!" I lost my temper... Oh shit, I'm in for a smack down... I just couldn't hold it in anymore. He just kept pushing me and pushing me. And now I have so much anxiety on me right now, that I feel so stressed out.

Hidden TruthTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon