Phone Conversations

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*Talking on the phone with him*

Scott: "Hey Scooty" you said sitting on your couch.

"Hey (nickname)" He said laughing.

"So what's this I hear about Liam running naked through town?" You asked after hearing a report from your uncle.

"I wish I could explain it myself." Scott said laughing a bit more.

"Okay, babe. Tell you what, come over and we can pick up this conversation." You said.

"Sounds like a plan." Scott said as you both ended the conversation.

Stiles: "Look, I said I was sorry!" Stiles exclaimed into the phone.

"Yeah, uh huh. Tell that to my bruised head!" You said angrily.

"I honestly thought you were one of the bad guys." Stiles said.

"Your dad called you earlier and told you I was coming over." You said as you laid back in your hospital bed.

"I'm really sorry." Stiles said.

"Stiles, hang up." You said as another massive headache began to form.

"You hang up first." Stiles said trying to be cute. You hung up and closed your eyes.




"O-Okay...Love you too."

"I'm gonna come annoy you." He said finally hanging up.

Derek: "I know it's embarrassing, but I NEED THEM." You whined into the phone.

"Look Y/N, all you said to get was chocolate. There is no way I'm going to get tampons too." Derek said quietly but firmly.

"Deeerrrreekkk." You whined.

"No." He said.

"Derek, I AM BLEEDING FROM MY VAGINA AND WILL BE FOR THE NEXT 4 DAYS! If I can handle that, you can handle getting some tampons." You yelled.

"I'm not going to get tampons." Derek said.

"I'll just ask Isaac, he's a sweetheart and cares about my personal needs." You said teasing him.

"I care about your personal needs. I'll get you the damn tampons." Derek said hanging up on you.

Isaac: "So have you figured out when graduation is?" Isaac asked you.

"Not really I just know that it's in May." You said lying on your back in your bed.

"Well that helps." He said laughing.

"You still are coming, right?" You asked.

"Yeah of course, why wouldn't I?" He asked.

"I may not be alive to go myself." You admitted.

"Hey! Don't say that, don't talk like that." Isaac said getting serious.

"I'm being honest. Do you know how many times I've almost died. Most of them avoided cause I had you around me 24/7, I don't have that anymore. I barely even have friends." You said.

"Scott's got your back." Isaac reassured.

"I'm not even sure Scott can have his own back nowadays," You admitted.

"He'll come through." Isaac said.

"Knowing Scott, he will. But if I don't, just know I love you still..even while you're all the way in France." You said letting out a sigh.

"I don't like to hear you talk like you know, but I love you too." Isaac said.

"I'm gonna FaceTime you." You said hitting the video call button.

"You going to sleep?" Isaac asked as you noticed he was on the counter.

"Yes. Just tell me all about France until I fall asleep." You said getting cozy in your bed.

Liam: "Where are you?" You asked.

"Home, why?" Liam asked as you seemed disappointed.

"If you're home, who left me the note telling me to come to the school?" You said walking through the school hallways.

"If I wanted to talk to my best friend, I would do it personally." Liam said as you rolled your eyes.

"Right. Plus this seems romantic, should've known it wasn't you." You said harshly.

"Maybe I could do that for Hayden." Liam said making you want to vomit.

"Sure Liam, steal another bo- oh my gosh!" You said gasping loudly into the phone.

"Y/N, are you okay? What's wrong?" Liam asked.

"I'm fine, I gotta go." You quickly said into the phone, running to jump into Brett's arm. You didn't even hang up with Liam.

"Brett, you honestly don't know how glad I am all that was from you." You said as he smiled.

"I had to be sure you and Liam weren't a thing." Brett said as Liam got offended.

"We're not, far from it." You said as Liam turned sad. His heart was broken, the girl he was truly in love with was in love with another boy. Liam hung up the phone to save himself from more heart ache.

Just a lil som something cause Teen Wolf premiered today. Bruh! The first episode though? What did you think, sound off in the comments.

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