chapter 18

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~somewhere in the caves of crysllium~

?'s Pov: " we have waited too long, we must take action while we still can before we are next to be captured!! " I said as I look towards the king and queen who refused to show any expression as they spoke their tones emotionless and firm. " As we have already told you, advisor we will do no such thing nor shall we attack the surface more than we already have as of yet, for our child is now out of the hands of the enemy and is being courted by a fire being. Until the matter is further investigated we shall not take action but and you are to keep observing them for the time being, is that clear." The leaders of the clan said before taking their leave not even bothering to hear if I agreed or not thus leaving me alone to brood as my request was once again denied, this is that little brat's fault if she had just stayed put in her chambers like she was told to none of us would be in this mess, to begin with!! If I ever find that girl she better have a really good excuse as to why she disobey her orders!! I thought as I stormed off towards my cave.

~back to Duncan and the gang~

Duncan's (instinct) Pov: I woke up and sat up only to find myself being pushed back. " Shh, you'll wake up your mom and sphere now follow me and keep quiet. " Lila said while quietly crawling deeper into the cave as I followed her until we came across a water-filled cave with a lighting at the top.

(An: picture above is the cave)

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(An: picture above is the cave)

No one's Pov: It was a lovely sight to see, to say the least, and the two had just spent their time enjoying the scenery while enjoying the other's company holding one another in a soft embrace. Soon enough 'Duncan'  drew closer to his beloved in taking the sweet scent of hair laying a delicate kiss or two upon the crown of her head enticed by the beauty she truly is inside and out. " Hey, stop that it's embarrassing Duncan. " 'Lila' said while trying to move away from said lover who growled in displeasure before grabbing both of her hands, pinning them above her head as he planted his face into her neck giving her toned skin a sweet gentle kiss. " Mm...dear cmon, why are you trying to do this now? Let me up. " 'Lila' said while trying to look at him from the corner of her eye only to receive a displeased growl from 'Duncan' who buried his face further into his lover's neck continuing his assault of love on her neck, shivering in delight at the sound of her heart racing as her skin flushed red due to his actions. " Not until I have the pleasure of loving you dearest..." Duncan said while looking at her from the corner of his eye refusing to let go wanting to enjoy the moment to it's fullest.

Margaret's Pov: I woke up to the sun shining on my face and stretch out before getting up. As I look around I already noticed that my son is gone but the sphere of water was still there, so today's the day that this game my daughter in law has come up with comes into motion. I wonder how it will turn out...hopefully, nothing goes wrong.

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