chapter 2

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Blitz's Pov : As we finally made it to headquarters and headed to the lab where betty should be with the subject but what we saw was complete and utter chaos. " I'm glad your here the subject is out of control and energy signatures are off the scale and rising!!!" betty yelled while panicking and hiding under a desk to avoid the objects that were being thrown everywhere, " kid that your cue!!!!" I said to Duncan while getting the others out of the way and a safe distance and watch as he changed into his kaiju form and ran into the lab " Duncan look out!!!" Jenna yelled out while tendrils of water swarm from a giant sphere of water attack him and knocked him against the wall and.....were those glowing eyes in the middle of the sphere where the subject should be in!!!!

Duncan's Pov : well that hurt I thought as I wince in pain, " whatever in that sphere sure knows how to defend itself." I mumble to myself but it seemed that to have sharper hearing than me because for a few moments the attack stop and the tendrils stop and I was able to get a look at the sphere of water and saw a pair of glowing eyes and.....was...was it blushing!!!! okay now I'm definitely confused j-just what is in that sphere!!! I thought to myself before I found myself being pulled towards the sphere the eyes never looking away from me.

? Pov : at least someone recognizes that I'm not stupid and that I can defend myself and.....what exactly is this guy supposed to be? I thought to myself as I tried to get a better look at him and pulled him closer to the sphere I was in when I suddenly heard a boiling noise and look at the person I was pulling to me had steam coming from him and the next thing I know the water tendril I made was vaporized!!! , " how did he......" I cut myself off when I saw that the boy who look almost the same age as me had scales and a fire core. well that explains it , I thought bitterly and tried to drag him to me but this time I used a tendril of ice and watch him struggle to get out but if I remember correctly about cold blooded creatures he won't like the cold and will fall asleep , but he sure prove me wrong when he opened his mouth and breathe fire and melted my ice but what he didn't know was that he was close enough to where I could grab him and that's exactly what I did and pulled him in, I hope he can hold his breath, I thought to myself as I smiled mischievously and giggled.

An : cut!!!! cliffhanger!!! muhahahaha!!!! I know this is probably not very exciting for chapter 2 but I wanted to build suspense for chapter 3 and I hope you guys like this chapter and stay tuned for the chapter 3 and you'll find out if Duncan is in trouble or not!!!! XD

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