chapter one/ prologue

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Not long after the battle with the rogue kaiju and Duncan being revealed what if the agency that kept him hidden had found something that could change everything including the world of both human and kaiju and this my friends is where our story begins.

'' Duncan your going to be late for school if you don't hurry!!!'' Duncan's mom Margaret called out as the sound of rushing footsteps as Duncan ran down the stairs and grab his lunch, while saying goodbye and rush to school.

Duncan's Pov : I was running as fast as I could to the school when I almost ran into my friends Isabella and Kenny  who also seemed to be rushing too  '' hey guys race ya to school!!'' I said as I kept running towards the school,  '' your on!!!'' Kenny and Isabella said as we all ran to the school and made it to the school before the bell rang and went to our classes.

~ time skip~

I was just  leaving the gym when blitz pulled me aside with a serious look on his, '' kid we need to talk right now. '' blitz said as he lead me to bus, '' okay, and where are we going first off ?'' I asked going into the bus/spy jet , '' we're going to headquarters there something we're trying to examine but it won't let us near it or let us see what it looks like so that's where you come in ,your going to help us.'' I was about to reply when Kenny, Isabella, and Jenna came into view and walked over to us , '' where are you guys going?, can we come ? '' Jenna and Isabella asked while Kenny looked bored. " fine but hurry up we got to go now." blitz said agitation was clearly in his voice and he was clearly not in the mood to try to convince them to stay as we got in the bus change into spy jet mode and we headed for the base.

Blitz's Pov : this is going to be one long trip and one big headache I thought as I got in the driver seat and activated the jet mode and pilot for headquarters while letting betty know we were on our way and to get the subject ready for when we get there hopefully it will cooperate when we get there, I thought to myself a worried look crossing my features.

An : and end scene!!! I know it not really exciting for a first chapter/prologue but don't worry it gets more exciting as you keep reading the other chapters I promise !!!! hope you like this first chapter please leave comments!!!, and I do not own firebreather or its characters they belong to their respective owners and I only own my characters.

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