●Period 1 Gym Class- Chapter 2●

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Tyler P.O.V 

When the mysterious brown haired girl came following me to the main office when we were walking I wanted to make a conversation with her but first I needed to know what her name was "So.. What's your name?" She just kept walking with me not making eye contact , "So don't want to tell me your name that's cool..." *In head maybe she just shy cause she new and all well am just trying to make a conversation with her* well here we are she just open the door and walked in left me without saying anything wow then she came out and said a small "thank you", I felt happy inside for no reason well I'm dating this girl name Mimi oh gosh I'm late for gym class Mr. Yetman will be so mad! Well I'm late a lot anyways... 

Katie P.O.V 

Finally! I'm here. Gosh, Tyler was nice and annoying at the same time. "Are u Katie Liliam" the woman said "Yes I am" I said shyly "Dear please sit on the chair someone's coming to show you around the school." Ok...

After a few minutes a girl came walking in she had blackish brown hair and black clothing her eyes were dark brown she was using her phone, chewing gum in her mouth "This is Jackelynn Gram she going to show you around the school she very friendly" woman said making eye contact to me ok.. I said holding my bag pack almost up my face "Here's your schedule" she said walking around the office desk and handing my schedule "Thank you" I said small "Jackelynn! Can you please get off your phone here's the new student you have to show around" she said snapping." Oh right sorry" she said putting her phone in her pocket, Can I see your schedule?  But miss do you know where my locker is I asked "It's at the top of the schedule" Oh, Thank you she just smile and continue typing.

Before we exit the main office. "Hm... Your locker number is 3701 on the third floor." I was to shy to talk, "Oh your first period is gym cool, we have the same period together! Come on let's go to your locker and drop your things." Here's the stairs. "Damn that's so much stairs" I said looking up "You finally talked" she said looking at me I looked at her then looked away then started climbing the stairs "Wait up!" Jackelynn said chasing after me. 

"Finally at the third floor!" Jackelynn said tiredly "there's your locker, here's your locker combination Do you need help?" Jackelynn asked with a smile "I got it" I said annoyed, when I opened my locker, I put my bag away and took my gym shorts. "We have to Change in the washroom because the change room is closed" I did what she said she showed me where the washroom was then, after we were done changing we went down stairs there's the gym am a little scared going in. "Come on"  she said opening the door halfway. When I entered the gym everyone was sitting on the ground but when the door shut everyone was looking at me. Look it's the boy that helped me to find the main office oh what was his name I forgot. Teacher looked at me and said "Guys this is the new student" everyone said "Hi" to me but some girls just gave me a dirty look and even some boys. The gym teacher said for me to introduce myself, but I told her I didn't feel comfortable so he just told me to tell them what my name was. Later the teacher told me to sit down, so I sat next to Jackelynn. Today class we are going to volleyball practice. "Ugh volleyball again" a blond girl said "Stop complaining Everyone practice with a partner" Jackelynn went to whisper to me never ever be Mimi's friend she's a bitch and she's dating Tyler oh that's his name I thought in my mind. "DON'T ever go near him or Mimi going to bring hell on earth if you know what I mean" Tyler kept looking at me. One time a girl name Emma Watson went near him there were basically friends, Mimi got so jealous she did something very terrible but no one knew what she actually did no one believed Emma when she came to tell the principle or someone to help her we never saw her again. "Wow" that's the only thing I could say. "Come on do you know how play volleyball?" She asked getting a ball. "I can but am terrible" I said looking down at my black running shoes "It's cool am not that good to." She said with a smile. I smiled back "Lets practice hitting the ball back and forth." Jackelynn said Sure.

Tyler P.O.V

Ugh, Katie the new girl hanging out with Jackelynn damn it. She going to tell story about me, she does that to every new student because of Mimi, sometimes I just want to break up with her or make her break up with me to get this over with I don't know anymore... "Hey man wanna be my partner" Leo asked sure thing I kept looking at Katie and she looked at me then turn away. "Do you see that girl there?" Leo asked you mean soy sauce real name Soreya (That's the nickname she wants to be called.) "Ya I think I have a crush on her or something." Cool I said still looking at Katie. "Who are u looking at?" he asked I turned quickly smiling rubbing my head am looking at "no one" I said fast  "Right.... anyways let's play volleyball" Leo kicked the volleyball and Mr. Yetman was screaming "This is not soccer class!" We both laughed.

Katie P.O.V

Wow Jackelynn was so good at bumping the ball back and forth. Everytime I missed the volly these stupid blond girls were laughing at me not like they can do any better like honestly anyways Jackelynn said "Good try you can do it"  Tyler kept looking at me. Is there something on my back? so by the time I could look at him the gym teacher was yelling "This is not soccer class!" Everyone started laughed but me I was confused. Jackelynn told me that those blond girls were cheerleaders, of course some girl always has to ruin my life.

When Mr. Yetman blew his whistle that means we all had to sit on the ground, he's going to explain what we gonna do next. Everyone did a great job but some of you guys have to practice a little more, The Blond girl whispered in her friend ear "Ya that new girl that looks like she running away from the ball." they started laughing. By the time Mr. Yetman could talk the fire alarm went on. Everyone please exit through the gym doors to go outside The P.A said. After 20 minutes outside, we finally went back in. It was a practice fire drill. By the time we got back in the gym.
                                                                                      *DING DING DING*
Period one was over!

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