"It was good."

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These are the lies I say almost every day
"My  day was good."
"I'm fine I promise."
"It's okay."
"I'm perfect, couldn't be better."
Okay the last one...
That was a bit sarcastic
Why am I bringing these up?
Because today was crap
Absolute crap
So we needed a test signed and I got the wrong one signed.
Green slip for that.
Then after that
I hate my science teacher he can be nice sometimes
Anyways he was really rude.
And people kept talking to me which made it worse
"You look mad. Are you okay?"
Then at lunch, normal lunch right?
I sat down to eat and I was taking my food out and guess what?
It got all over me. Like all over my hoodie. -_-
Then I had one of those weird little orange things that have liquid inside.
You know what I'm talking about?
Yeah well the Juice spilled all over me.
The guy sitting near me looked at me and said
"Are you okay?" Like
Oh yeah I just got a green slip, my teacher was being rude, my food spilled all over me and got ruined, and I don't have any lunch.
I'm fine!
Then I raised my hand for a teacher to let me get up because if I get up by myself I get in trouble.
I waited half of lunch for a teacher.
They never came

Death and Dispair people dying everywhere (Randomness book 2)Where stories live. Discover now