All is perfect

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While we lie there in the lonely park, all is still, all is quiet, all is perfect. You grab my hand as if suddenly the thought of loosing me occurred and you needed to make sure I was still there. I always will be, don't worry. And as the stars shine bright in the night sky you tell me I shine brighter. Oh how I love it when you remind me I'm beautiful. I still don't think it's true. But it's comforting knowing that someone else thinks so. Your grip around my hand is so strong and I feel safe. I take a break from the stars to look at you and then I realize you already have your eyes on me. Your beautiful brown eyes. I get lost in them a lot. And now we both lay their on the soft green grass watching each other without saying a word. We don't need to. We already know our undeniable love for each other just by staring into each other's eyes long enough. But I can't stand being so close to you without taking advantage of it. So I lean in and put my lips against your's. They fit perfectly. I keep them there wanting the moment to last as long as possible. You wrap one arm around my neck while the other is still clutching my hand, not letting go. But the air in my lungs in running out. Nothing lasts forever and eventually I have to pull away. When I do I see the goofy grin across your face. As if you've accomplished something. Your goofy grins always make me laugh and so I do. I laugh and then so do you and now we're both laughing like maniacs in the quiet little park which isn't very quiet anymore. But when we've finally calmed down and we're sitting there staring at each other once again this time with smiles across our faces. I slowly get up and face you. You hold out your hand in a gesture asking me to pull you up and I do. At least I try. The second my hand has touched your's, you pull me down and I topple on top of you. I roll my eyes in a joking way but then you pull me into a tight hug. A warm hug. I feel protected from the outside world. And while I sit cradled in your arms I can feel your breathing. You rock me side to side like a baby but it's not like I'm gonna complain any time soon. And as we sit there cuddling up you start humming to a song. Not just any song: Dancing Queen. I love it when you call me that. Your "Dancing Queen." I love you so much for it. I love you for everything really. And so you hum and I feel my eyelids dropping. Sleep, slowly swallowing me whole. 

Hi guys! 

This is the first time I've ever published anything! I'm so glad I finally got the courage to do it. Hope you guys like it. 



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