Karoline's POV

*beep beep beep beep beep*

"Alright, alright." I muttered silently as i pressed the stop button on my alarm clock. I checked the time: 7:15 am. Class doesn't start for more than an hour. I sat up and got out of bed and went to the bathroom.

My name is Karoline Jane Hermione Collins and I am 16 years old.I live with my mom and I have a best friend named Phil. I guess that's all. There isn't much to talk about.

I follow my daily routine, shower, brush my teeth, fix my hair, and slip on an outfit. I go downstairs to find my mom watching the news.

"Good morning, Sweetie. Sleep well?"  she asked me smiling. "Pretty good," i shrug, grabbing a bowl and pouring in some cereal and milk. I finish my cereal and walk to the front door.

"Bye Mom," I say over my shoulder. "See you later, Honey." she waves at me from the couch. I give a small wave back and walk out the door.
I walk to the bus stop and wait for the school bus.

It's still a bit early so i put on my headphones and set my ipod on shuffle. Love You Like a Love Song by Selena Gomez comes on.

" I,I love you like a love song baby,
I love you like a love song baby,
I love you like a love song baby,
And i keep hitting repe-pe-pe-pe-pe-peat."

Ever since I was a kid, I never really believed in love. To me there was no point because it never lasts anyway. One is tricked into thinking someone loves them and the other leaves them with nothing but a broken heart. That's why i don't believe.

The bus arrives. I get on board and look for a vacant place to sit. While walking i hear someone yell "freak!" at me. Typical. I keep searching until I hear a voice call my name.

"Hey Karoline!" I turn around to see the familiar face of my friend.

"Hey, Phil."

Heart Eyes & Clichés {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now