Chapter 2: The Paper

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In Felicity's room, she quickly opened the piece of paper and read out

Dear Felicity,
It is time that you met your family.

Felicity was curious. She thought: Phoenix Elves? What is this Phoenix Elves?

She continued reading.

You will be fetched right now.
- Prince Elien of east Itharia

Felicity felt really scared. But she found out that she was going to meet her family. She cared for the Fathoms and they are not her family. She is an orphan. But she has lived with them all her life. She wanted to stay. But her desire to be a champion was even greater. So she decided to go. No second thoughts.

She suddenly felt a warm hand. It got warmer and warmer... until...

Ow! squealed Felicity. She looked back and she saw a lady. But not an ordinary lady, but she looked like a soldier A Golden and Red armor, Very Dark black hair.

"I am Kaeseeall. I am here to Fetch you." said the woman Felicity hesitated to run, but kaeseeall's stare was looking as If she would kill her as if she refused.

"Y-y-es ma'm" Felicity said haltingly
Kaeseeall replied "You will be schooled with other tribes at the Little Ladies' All Girl's School of Offense, Defense, And Education. I will be teaching you Melee Attacking."

Felicity gulped.

"Come now, Our drake is waiting for us."


"It is a big dragon. Now, let's go!" Kaeseeall grabbed Felicity by the arm and lept out the window.

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