Chapter 3: The Drake

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They hit the soft grass of the Fathoms' garden. There, Felicity eyed the dragon carefully. It's color of Bloody Red and it's gigantic size made want to shout, Luckily, she didnt.

"Maelena!" shouted Kaeseeall

Felicity had forgotten that she is to be adressed as Maelena so she did not reply.


Felicity did not reply.

"!" said the how almost-going-to-set-everything-on-fire Kaeseeall.

Felicity jumped.

"Oh sorry" Felicity said as she hurried down to the Firedrake. "Now," Kaeseeall look at her in a way that scared Felicity. Kaeseeall raised her hand. Then, suddenly. a blazing fire came out of her hand. Then, slapped the drake with it. It let out a roar as they took off, into the darkness of the night.

Wind was hitting Felicity's Face as they flew.

"Felicity, your name will now be Maelena." said Kaeseeall.

"Yes ma'm"

disclaimer: im so soryr i dont actually write this bad this fic is 3 years old i found it in my cabinet

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