Cisco's daughters

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A/N I know I only have two viewers but I've going to complete this still for MY joy in finally finishing a book ok.
May and Lillyy I mock pfft please I say I go up the stairs with the page and run out the door Yes I made it I keep running until I see Sacramento's Police station I run to the counter and the woman tells me wait and holds up one finger ma'am please there's a psycho serial killer looking for me please help I screamed wait! she says a little more sternly and points to some chairs I see a girl with green eyes and brown hair in a blue shirt with blood splattered all on her shirt and she wore some white pants the had crimson colored blood on them she must have noticed me starring a-re you Quincy Roberts I say nervously hoping she doesn't call me trash or anything no I'm Abigail but call me Abby her friend she went to get her clothes from Ciaso's new house I was shocked me and you need to get out clothes before he can move them a woman with long black hair and bown eyes came in your the cashier I say your-your Quincy Roberts yes and I'm your mother I hug her I remember you didn't leave me it was divorce mommy I missed you so much.I love you baby I got your candy,food,drinks and clothes mom replied how I ask I know you Bell she says and I want to now how are you and Abby how are you related to my mom we're real sister Abby says so Maya isn't- oh no my mom says she's been playing that trick to get out lillac also gets out with her their father is......

she found her mom! But major plot twist with Lillac and Maya

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