He found me

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I am fully shocked mom me and Abby are going to Tim Hortons ok she says I take Abby the wrong way away from Ciaso to the SFC {Sacramento Foster Care} I look through the files ahah I find Maya's and Lillac's files I read Maya's first name:Maya Ariva I think ariva,Ariva I gasp Danny isn't really mean Ciaso Ariva,Maya Ariva and the mom is no it it can't be its The girl beside me smiling at this very moment I key her and run back into the police station you found out mom asked yep I said panting heavily now mom shouts the doors lock window shades go down because of that it's dark come on mom says while tugging on my arm I follow her I feel I find a light switch we close the blinds lock the door turn off the lights and hide in a little storage closet we close in and wait I hear a bunch of heavy footsteps oh no I think the door opens come on princess the voice says I'm sorry baby I can't help it I yell STOP IT I'M NOT YOUR PRINCESS the door swings open he throws my mom out the way and struck me across my face bitch what did you say I repeat what I had said he strucks me again my mom yells STOP HITTING HER YOU BITCH! What did you just call me he says A BITCH she yells then punches him he knocks her to the ground he throws me over his shoulder I fight but it was no use I was,tired he took me down the steps and threw me to the ground with a thump I see it's his old basement I'm glad he has somewhere I can hide he hits me until I apologize and which was until he got tired I get in the compartment and fall asleep I then I hear a girl squirming I stay put for a while but I don't hear her in a while

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