The mystery part 2

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Sebastian pov~
I read a few chapters and realised something. The few chapters at the end of the diary I  read,read...

Monday 14th January
Dear diary
I just met the love of my life.
Ayumu Aikawa. He's helped me with a lot of things. He helped me when my friends betrayed me. I love him but I'm too scared to ask him out.

Tuesday 15th January
Dear diary
My crush Ayumu has been found dead. I'm so upset I don't see the point in living anymore. I really miss him. Today I'm going to try put an end to this torturous life of mine.

Monday 21st January
Dear diary. I couldn't kill myself and I met this tall handsome man. Raven black hair,unusual maroon coloured eyes and a butler attire. It seems his name is Sebastian Michealis.

Sunday 28th January.
Oh my gosh. I was invited to a ball yesterday and I met Sebastian there. It was the lord Druitt's party and me and Sebastian danced together. I couldn't stop smiling. After we danced I was lead to a room that stank so bad it knocked me out. I was surprised that the Druitt did this though.  After a while of being unconscious i woke up in this dark room and I was being auctioned. What kind of normal person would do that?? Then after a few minutes of people raising the bid Sebastian came in the room with his lord and saved me.It was really dark I couldn't see properly but I could tell it was Sebastian and his lord because of their voices.We all went back home after.

Wednesday 1st February
Dear diary
My home was just burned to ashes. I don't know who set my home on fire but I managed to save my photo album and my dairy. That's all I managed to save. I haven't seen Sebastian around again. I miss him. His sexy smile. His eyes. Everything about him. He's just amazing and I'm curious why he keeps saying "I'm simply one hell of a butler" I mean what's with the Hell part? We all know your a butler. Was it some joke?

Friday 3rd February
Dear diary
I had rebuilt my home with the help of Sebastian and his lord. Not only that but Sebastian asked me out. And what did I answer with?
Yeah that's right "Hell Yes!". He told me what he ment with his quote and he scares me slightly but not as much as he interests me. Anyway what is a demon doing here? And why is he so flirtatious and hot? A lot of people seem to like him but me? I love him. He's adorable. Shh he doesn't know he's adorable. He thinks he's hot. Well he is but he's mostly adorable.

Hmm it seems I do know your mum" I spoke to my child. I don't know how her mum knows me and I don't even recall anything about her. But she was right I am a demon and one hell of one too. I sighed putting my child down. This mystery isn't over till I say it is But first time to get to know my child. "Darling. What is your name?" I asked as she replied with "The names Akira mikayla Michaelis" I smiled such a beautiful name for a child as innocent as her. Wait Michealis? So she is my daughter already. Wow something new every day. I smiled "hmm and what would you like to do?" She sat thinking "HIDE AND SEEK" She giggled.

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