Chapter Four- Visiting

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Chapter Four- Visiting

Niall's POV:

"I'm serious Harry! It's only been two days and I'm already bored out of my mind!" I said as I plopped down on my bed still holding the phone to my ear.

"So just hang out with some of your friends, mate." Harry answered.

"I can't! They're all either in school or they moved away for Uni. Either way they're busy and can't hang.. Which doesn't make sense to me! I mean who wouldn't want to hang out with me?" I went over to my window to see if I could see Charlotte. I mean I need someone to hang out with, and beggars can't be choosers.

But of course she wasn't there, probably at school.

"Well Niall, I don't know what you want me to tell you." Harry said after a pause.

"Hey! Why don't you come and visit me! You can bunk with me for a week or two. Then I wouldn't be bored out of my mind."

Harry hesitated in answering, but then sighed and said, "Okay fine. But I can't stay for too long. I want to spend some time with my family too."

"Sweet, see you soon!" I said and then hung up.

After that I jogged downstairs to meet my mom from coming back from the store. She bought food, just for me. I grabbed the bags from her hands and kissed her cheek.

I set the groceries on the counter and said, "Mom, Harry is going to come over and stay for a little while. He can bunk with me." By the time I finished saying that my eyes were grazing over all the food in the refrigerator with my hand propped against the door holding it open.

"That's fine honey! But what about that girlfriend? I haven't seen her." My mom said curiously. Her back was turned to me putting away the bread, but when I didn't say anything she turned around.

"Oh um.. Barbara.. Well you know she's a model, so she's very busy."

My mom raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms.

"Now Niall, I mean this in the nicest way possible. But why is she with you again?"

"Mom!" I scoffed. Why would she ask me that? And who wouldn't want to be with me?

"Well Niall, from what I've seen on the magazines it doesn't seem like you guys are really into each other. You go out partying and spending time with all these girls. Not to say she hasn't done anything wrong, I saw a photo or two of her with some other boy. I'm being completely honest when I say I don't think you two have a strong relationship."

I sighed knowing what she was saying was true. I don't know what exactly happened between me and Barbara.

"Well when we first started dating there was a lot of attraction. I even begged both of our managements to let us date. After some convincing they did, but once they found out we were only wanting to be friends- well they were not as understanding as we hoped- they got very angry. So we are both still in the relationship but only in public. Besides she's found someone else."

My mom must've felt sorry for me, because she gave me that same apologetic look that damn secretary gave me. I was just so sick of that look.

"Well Niall, I know this girl that would be perfect for you. But I think she's still a little upset from a while ago, when you-" My mom started blabbering but I rolled my eyes and cut her off.

"Mom. No. I'm not getting together with any of your friends daughters. Especially not that one- what's her name? Jenny! Yeah not her."

My mom sighed and then the doorbell rang. As she made he's way to the door she said,"Her name is Jennifer, Niall. And no, actually I think you would be great with-" my mom stopped half way in the middle of her sentence so she wouldn't keep whoever was outside the door waiting for too long. I hope it was Harry, I could use some company besides my mom.

"Charlotte!" My mom said as she opened the door. My jaw dropped but then I quickly closed it. She was a major disappointment. Charlotte smiled at my mom but when her gaze met mine her smile faltered.

"I'll be right back! The books are upstairs, you can just stay down here while I get them."

She nodded and smiled at my mom. I made sure my mom was upstairs before I started talking to her, "What're you doing here?" I spat.

"Your sweet mom, who you're nothing like, is letting me borrow some books for a school project."

I raised my eyebrows and took a step closer to her.

"What's the project on, babe?" I asked knowing it would drive her crazy and mad.

"Nothing that concerns you, honey." She said. I took another step closer to her, we were very close to each other. But both of us knew it wasn't in a romantic way, we were only doing it to piss the other one off.

My mom than came down the stairs and saw how close we were to each other.

"Oh.. Uh here are the books, Charlotte. I'll leave you two alone to work some things out or whatever.." My mom quickly scurried into her room and shut the door.

"Us? Need to work things out? Never!" I said putting my hand on her waist. Charlotte's nose scrunched up with disgust as she backed away. I smiled seeing her defeat.

"I was just leaving, not like I want to spend any more time with you than necessary, Niall." Charlotte stepped outside and I closed the door behind her.

"Sure you don't. Sure." I whispered sarcastically. I can tell even after all these years she still had a crush on me.

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