Chapter Seventeen- Pink Cheeks

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Chapter Seventeen- Pink Cheeks

Niall's POV:

"Harry, where the hell are you?" I spoke into my phone. It's been two days, and he's still not back.

"Haha.. Um, funny story Niall. I'm not coming back for a while?" His voice had raised by the end of the sentence and his breathing had gotten just the tiniest bit heavier.

"What do you mean you aren't coming back? How am I supposed to survive it here? Absolutely frickin miserable." I exclaimed waving my hands around even though he couldn't see me.

"Look Niall, I love hanging out with you and all but I have family I need to see too. Gemma's been giving me a hard time all week! Have you seen the things she's tweeted out? Absolutely ludicrous."

I chuckled into the phone and then clicked on the tv to watch some golf.

"I don't think it is ludicrous, I think it's funny and - oh look at that swing." Right on the green.

"Don't worry you'll survive and I, uh, heard you'll have company soon."

"Liam," I breathed out, sighing with relief.

"Not quite Niall, guess again. Anyways I've got to go. I promise I'll come and see you soon."

Rolling my eyes I simply responded with a "you better" before pressing the 'end call' button.


"Maura, Charlotte and I were just about to go prom dress shopping would you like to come?" Mrs. Blakely had rung our doorbell and then made small talk with me while waiting for mum to come down stairs.

"Oh yes! That would be lovely, I've always to help her pick out her prom dress, since she is practically my child."

Mrs. Blakey laughed and mum grabbed her keys and coat, before stopping and looking at me sitting on the sofa.

"Niall, dear, would you like to come?"

"Would I like to go to a dress shop and waste my time watching a girl try on twenty different dresses until she finds 'the one'? No, thank you." I replied as sarcastically as I could.

The hell would I do in a dress shop?

"You know you could really use some fresh air and getting out of the house would do you some good. You're coming, go upstairs and change your shirt while I start the car."

I think if I roll my eyes anymore today they'll get stuck in the back of my head.


"So do you have a specific kind of dress in mind? Or any color preferences?" The young lady who worked at the dress shop asked Charlotte, before adverting her eyes to me.

I smirked effortlessly but soon returned my attention back to Char.

"Um, well I really like the color green.. Maybe something like that?" The sales lady, Brandy, nodded her head.

I think she thought I was checking her out, because she shot me a wink before going to look for some dresses in Charlotte's size. When in reality I was just trying to read her name tag and make sure her name really was Brandy.

Charlotte was looking at me and when I looked back I saw her cheeks had turned a slight shade of pink. I couldn't help but smile as she pulled out a long dark green dress that had a little bit of beading at the top.

"You would look absolutely beautiful in that." I couldn't help but smile, which caused her to giggle and shake her head.

"Aw, look at you two. It's shame Niall's too old for high school. Every time you two look at each other you blush. Did we miss something?" Mum rambled on, and if you were wondering, yes even when you're an adult your mum can still embarrass you.

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