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It's a strange out of body experience, falling to your death. You knew what was going to happen when you walked off the edge of that cliff, and yet you're still screaming. Screaming and kicking and despite everything still trying to live. Funny, isn't it? You spent so much time trying to get away, but once you were finally free, you desperately want to take it all back.

Suddenly, the breath catches in your lungs, and instead of watching from the outside you're back in your own body. The fear engulfs you but you still can't hear yourself screaming, even as you plummet towards your death. You can see the bottom of the cave now, lined with yellow flowers. It brings a sense of calm to your panicked body. It's a nice place to die.

In the corner of your eye, you swear you saw the walls flicker, like a TV during a storm. But you aren't paying attention to that right now. All you can think of is the sound your skull will make when it hits the-

There's a pause, a sound like static, and with a jolt you are no longer falling towards your death. Instead, you are held in place by various blue strings, forming a sort of net made to catch you. The screaming stops and you take in giant gulps of air. Your body is glad to be alive, but your mind couldn't be more disappointed, not to mention confused. You look around you, but nothing on the ground below, a mere few feet away, is different than before. And the world above is nothing but a pinpoint of light.

In between the ground and the surface, however, was a black skeleton sporting a blue hoodie and red eyes. And for the second time that day, you find yourself screaming.

The skeleton winces at the noise you're making and gestures his fingers outward. The strings that are holding you up rearrange and four of them fastened themselves to your mouth, muting anything you had to say. He looks at you with what is blatantly disgust.

"You aren't a Frisk. This always happens when I leave Ink to do whatever he wants. He leaves this... half-finished rubbish everywhere." He scowls at you, and looks at you from toe to tip. He doesn't seem impressed.

"Well, let's see what your name is and whether it's worth me remembering it. Speak." He says in a monotone voice, and the strings release their grip on your mouth.

"Y/N." You respond quietly, somewhat out of fear and mostly out of shock. You had never seen a monster like this before. As far as you were concerned, the myths and legends about Mt. Ebbot were just that; myths and legends. But clearly you had been mistaken. The skeleton frowned at you.

"Boring. I'll call you Glitchy. My name's Error, by the way. Nice to meet you, or whatever." He waves his hand dismissively at you and turns around, mumbling to himself. You take the opportunity to steady your breathing and maybe, if you're lucky, find a way to escape whatever nightmare this is. But he swivels back to look at you before you could do any of those things.

"I hope you realize, by the way, that you won't be returning home." says Error, his strange eye sockets staring at you. You break his gaze.

"It's... not like I was planning to, anyway." You mumble. Error pauses for a moment, apparently hearing your words, but he says nothing.

With a flick of his wrist, you hear the same static hum from before and a hole opens up in the cave wall. "Get ready, Glitchy." He says as he picks you up, and throws you into the white abyss.


Caught in Your Strings {Error! Sans X Reader}[Being Rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now