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"Tae, baby, the door," I said in between gasps as he kissed his way down my neck much slower than I would have liked.

"It's fine," he mumbled around my throat. "It's still early." He swiped his tongue along my neck and brushed a thumb across my nipple.

"Ok, fine, but hurry up." I pushed on his shoulders not at all subtly, my eyes trained on the door. 

It was a small gap.

 Maybe a couple of inches at most. 

With the way the bed was situated, anyone looking through as they walked down the hall to the kitchen wouldn't see much, maybe just head and shoulders. 

A tiny peek of  a nipple, maybe. 

Certainly not all the way to where Taehyung was inching his way down below my belly button. I tried to focus on the task at hand, 

or at the moment, 


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