Chapter 1 (Part 2)

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Author's Note: sorry for the wait, after this chapter. I'm going back to writing New Blood, I have to... So, I hope you will enjoy the rest of the chapter. Xena is going to be like me in some ways, and her family like mine in ways as well. Enjoy.


I sat there in front of her grave stone. 'ZINA WARRIOR'. 'Loving mother, wife and a strong warrior'. It read, with a picture of her on the stone in the middle.
"Well, mom. I'm not to happy, but you would know that wouldn't you", I sigh. "I miss you everyday".

I look down at the flowers, growing on the grave red, blue and yellow. Her favorite colors.

"I'm not to happy about two new family members, one. Because they aren't warriors and second. We don't need to protect more members, I don't need to..."

I stop to take in a deep breath and out after I could tell that I wasn't going to break down in tears. "Well, mom. I'll be back after the party to say goodnight. Love you".

I head right to my bedroom on the third floor, before I could run into August or May-Joy in the hallway. I know that they would ask how I'm feeling or any better since the morning.

At 4:30pm, there was a knock on my door, I sigh as I finish braiding my hair to the right side. Then opened it, before they could knock again.

It was Eden, his dark brown hair combed back with a few hairs sticking out. His dark green eyes smiled as he saw me, his little sister dressed up for this family get-together party.

"It's been a while", he spoke then smiled before his arms wrapped around me in a tight hug.

"Yeah, yeah. Nice to see you as well".

"That's it? No, I missed you big bro?"

"No, because it's only been three weeks", I spoke, once he let go of me.

"Three weeks are a long time, you know that right?"

"I know, I just don't like to say that I miss someone".

"Yeah, but you say it at mom's resting place", he sigh. "Well, it's time. Or do you need a few more minutes?"

"That's different... I miss her... I don't miss you or David when you two are gone. Because I know that you guys will be back in a month".

"I know, well. I'll let dad know your still getting ready", he spoke, then walked off towards the stairs.

After five short minutes, I was all ready, wearing a long black dress, my medium brown hair braid on the side with a feather at the bottom for mom. Birds were her favorite animals.

I put on my dark blue heels, making myself look taller than 5'5. I stood up off my bed, I sigh as I look into my mirror beside my door before stepping out.

I head down the stairs without a trouble in the three inch heels, I felt taller, like my best friends who both stood at 5'7. In there's I stood around 5'8, making me feel better just by a bit.

August and May-Joy both were waiting for me in the hallway on the main floor just five feet from the huge living room on the left of the staircase. They were wearing flats, pink for August and purple for May-Joy.

August had her blonde hair down and wavy. Wearing a long light pink dress with small pink flowers in her hair.

May-Joy was a bit different, her short light brown hair laid flat. She wore a long black skirt with a purple blouse and a black dress shirt undone.

"Look who showed up, finally", August spoke, shaking her head at me once I stood in front of them.

"About time, Xena", May-Joy spoke.

"Sorry", I spoke, but really didn't meant it.

Because we could continue, we all heard footsteps coming out of the room, we looked.

Lionel-David, also known by dad, his dark blue eyes stared right at me. Wasn't to happy to see me, late. His dark brown hair combed back just like all the men that stood beside him in seconds. Our male warriors, cousins, uncles, the list goes on.

Okay, so that's all so far. Part 3 of chapter 1 will be updated in a week or so. Going back to writing New Blood now. Bye.

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