Quidditch Whiz

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Ginny walked up to the skinny raven-haired boy, tightly clutching her broom in her right hand. He stared out across the Quidditch field, lost in thought.
"Hey Harry. You ready to lose?" He looked at her for a moment in disbelief.
"I will so crush you. There is no way you can score 60 times in a minute." He shook his head.
"We'll see about that." She mounted her broom and started to fly towards the goals when she realised Harry wasn't behind her. "Well come on you pansy! What are you waiting for?" She yelled down.
"I'm just waiting for you to admit you can't do it." Even though she was pretty far away from him, she could tell he was smirking.
"Dammit Potter. You're going down." She conjured 60 Quaffles and levitated them so that they were in a line to make things easier for her. Soon enough, Harry flew up to join her with a stopwatch.
"Alright, ready Gin? You're gonna have to score one per second, so you better move quick. Ready?" He hesitated for a moment, giving her the final chance to back out, but she didn't give in. "Go!" Ginny zipped past with a Quaffle already in hand and shot, one after another, until she had run out of balls. Amazed, Harry looked from his stopwatch to Ginny. 59.79 seconds. She had done it in just under a minute.
"That was- You were- Woah..." he stared at her, completely speechless. She smirked slightly. She loves it when she proves someone wrong.
"Looks like I can do it, Potter. Now, I believe I was promised a reward..."
"Wha-? Oh, right, of course! Your reward!" He leaned through the goal and kissed her. After a long while, when they had run out of breath, they pulled apart.
"Let's go back inside. Victory really does make a girl hungry." Seeing Harry roll his eyes made Ginny grin. Oh how it felt good to be right.

Hinny OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now