Stood up - Modern AU No magic

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Ginny sat in the restaurant for what seemed like a lifetime waiting for Michael Corner to show up. She sighed and checked her watch... Again... He had said to meet him here for their first date a half hour ago yet he was nowhere to be seen. Ginny had meet him at a friend's party and they instantly hit it off. He had seemed nice enough when he asked her out and he was quite cute, so she agreed.  Now she was regretting that

Maybe he's just stuck in really horrible traffic? She thought to herself, though the logical part of her knew that he wasn't. She was being stood up. The waiter, who had introduced himself as Jordan, had returned to ask if she wanted to order yet and she had to ask for more time yet again. Ginny could feel the other's in the restaurant giving her pity stares. She decided to stay another 15 minutes before she could officially declare this night ruined.

Another 15 minutes pass and still no sign of him. Not even an apology text. With a sigh and tears threatening to fall, she began to gather her things to leave. People were still staring, making her feel a thousand times worse. Out of nowhere, a handsome raven haired man she had never seen before sat in the empty seat in front of her.

"Hey babe! So sorry I'm late! Traffic was horrendous!" He exclaimed loud enough for everyone around them to hear, before leaning towards her. "I'm Harry. Just go with it okay?" He whispered. "Whoever didn't bother to show up is a giant dick." The man had sparkling emerald eyes which were hidden behind some round rimmed glasses and an oddly shaped scar on his forehead. For reason's she wasn't really sure of, Ginny decided that maybe she should go along with this. Something was strangely familiar about the man, and she felt like she could trust him

"I'm Ginny. Thank you, but why are doing this for me? I've never met you before in my life." He chuckled sadly.

"I've been stood up more than I'd like to admit. I didn't want you to go through that too. And besides..." He grabbed her hands from across the table. "Why wouldn't I want to treat the most gorgeous girl I've ever met to dinner?" Ginny laughed. Maybe her night wasn't ruined after all

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2017 ⏰

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