Chapter 1

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"Charlie! Wake up we have to be at the airport in 2 hours!" I head my mother scream.

I drag myself out of bed and put on a red long sleeved shirt with a brown vest, with some ripped jeans and my favourite green vans.

I don't want to I mean I can't not seeing all my family friends ever is going to suck. I just wish this was a dream one big dream!

I walk down stairs to see mom packing the car with our suitcases, I get a bowl of Lucky charms and pour it into my bowl and eat.

"Mom do we have to leave!" I say in a whiny voice.

"Yes we do it will be better for us a new start! Now quit you whining and clean your teeth!" she says with an angry tone in her voice.

I clean my teeth in the bathroom for the very last time in this house. I make my way to the car mom jumps in and we are off.

We finally make it to the airport get our tickets give our luggage to the people and wait for our flight. Our flight was called and I boarded the plan and as we took off I wave bye to home for the very last time.

We finally touch down in Atlanta after a very long flight, the whole flight I kept thinking about maybe I can meet my dad he lives here. I asked mom about dad once but she just said he's a famous actor and lives in Atlanta.

We drive to our new home which actually really big, mom opens the door shows me my room and I start unpacking mom walks in with her hands behind her back.

"Mom what's behind your back?" I ask trying to see

Mom pulls her arms from behind her back to reveal meet and greet tickets to the walking dead for tomorrow. I scream jumping up and down hugging her.

"Thank you Thank you Thank you mom!" I scream in excitement.

Authors Note: this is my first story please comment what you think.

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